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  • Stream-2-Stream_1.0_source.zip ... less bandwidth than direct streaming (e.g. shoutcast/icecast). Stream-2-Stream (abbreviated "s2s" or "S2S") stations have no user ... through multicast and unicast p2p, rather than everyone getting a stream from one central server (Shoutcast/Icecast). ”更多: ...
  • stream.rar 机器人协同控制流函数matlab程序实现
  • ES-Stream.rar 这是用VC编写的一个ES流分析程序,可以把ES流文件按MPEG标准进行分析。写这个程序是为了能更好的理解ES流的语法,以为日后的RTP发送作准备
  • stream.rar 文件流读取数据,实现文件的读入和读出,用C#作为编译平台
  • Stream.rar 可以使用流密码对文件进行加密,有简单的界面
  • Stream-Ciphers-Theory.rar Stream Cipher theory and applications
  • Stream-encryption-algorithm.rar Fast RC4 Stream Cipher Implementation 流加密算法RC4的C++
  • a-new-fast-stream-cipher--20110914.rar ... of 128-bit or 256-bit. The randomness property of the stream cipher is analysed by using the statistical tests. The performance ... of the stream cipher is done in comparison with another fast stream cipher called JEROBOAM. The focus is to generate a long ...
  • Ex1--practise--Stream-Reader_Writer.zip c-sharp, stream reader/ writer
  • CAN-Frame-Input-Stream-.rar CAN Frame Input Stream