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  • QPSK_chain.zip Simulation of a baseband QPSK mod/demod: TX : a pseudo random bit stream generation, Serial to parallel conversion, QPSK Mapping (Gray coding), Signal power computation Channel : AWGN channel RX: Soft Demapping / Hard Demapping, Plot constellations, ...
  • 8PSK_mod_simulator.zip Simulation of a baseband 8PSK modulator - TX : a pseudo random bit stream generation, Serial to parallel conversion, 8PSK Mapping (Gray mapping), Signal power computation - Channel : AWGN channel - Plot constellations
  • IOStream.rar sample java IO stream
  • a.zip RTP/RTSP source, This transfer multimedia stream data.
  • fmodapi375ce_small.rar ... mp2, mp3 and Ogg vorbis in this release. For mpeg audio you can reduce cpu usage by by using FSOUND_MPEGHALFRATE as a flag in FSOUND_Stream_OpenFile. This does an inverse dct at only half the rate, producing a 22khz output for a 44khz stream
  • RTCPViewer.zip This is a class to view all RTCP packets flow in JMF media transmission. JMF uses RTP protocol to transmit and receive media stream . where RTCP is used to controle real time protocol.
  • anpr_video_stream.rar Automatic Numbered Plate Recognition with video stream literature search
  • recordstream.zip Code to read a stream of data and access it like a database
  • Stream-2-Stream_1.0.zip p2p 音乐分享 jxta~~~双击直接使用
  • xml_parse_lib_8_26_09.tgz.gz ... Lib is a lightweight set of re-usable functions for general purpose parsing, checking, and creation of XML files. It supports stream-oriented, SAX, or DOM parsing styles, and includes an optional xsd schema validator and a graphical schema generator. It ...