traceStream is a custom implementation of output stream that dumps it s content to debug window. You can think of if like modern version of old TRACE macro. It supports comon and unicode strings.
It enables you to print debug output using well known ...
数字视频流的USB传输实现USB digital video stream to realize the transmission
... key ciphering algorithms
are used in encrypting digital images because it is fast and use the techniques for block and stream ciphers. Data
Encryption Standard is symmetric key encryption algorithm. In spite of the successful cracking of the data
RC4 encryption of a stream. The clear text and key are read from a file and the encrypted text is written to a file
xz stream compressor, reading uncompressed data from stdin and writing compressed data on stdout.
It s best used with pipes, ie :
cat file | test > file.xz
It will ask for input the bit stream then generate pseudorandom bit sequence, finally give output as direct sequence spread spectrum
This sample form provides automatic detection of the parameters of an unknown data stream from an external device into a PC serial port using VFP7+ and the MSCOMM32.OCX control. It also provides for manual parameter setting to test the setup of the ...