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  • WaveEditdemo.rar Simple Program for Text to Speech Using SAPI (English Version)
  • cw2-src.zip ... for CrackWhore, a bruteforce Program. Beside the main functionality (brute-forcing into websites using a wordlist) features include: FTP root crack Find protected area Random proxy selector Exploit vulnerability scanner Language packs Text / HTML export
  • 20021014notepad.zip 基于FRAME的一个写字板的例子,其中涉及到JTable, MDI, text file, array等知识,适用于初学JAVA的朋友参考
  • 20041218111346_vczx_bluetts.rar 在Visual C++6.0中使用Text-to-Speech
  • C330 SMS.rar 实现Text模式下短信的发送接收。有些较老的手机不支持PDU模式,就只能通过Text模式发送接收。该程序可以作为一个参考的例子。
  • abfilesscn.zip ... best background performance. You can tune Priority of the searching process manually. TBaseScanner component scans for filenames only, but TContextScanner can scan for filenames and specified context (plain text string or any characters set). 两个聪明的查找文件的元件
  • ttsbox1.0.zip text to speech
  • 8puzzlesolve.zip ... Algorithm to calculate a list of moves which you can use to solve the puzzle. It is written in C++ with an interactive text mode based interface. Enter numbers 0-8. Keep your pathlength short as you can, and make the number of nodes between 1 and 65536 ( ...
  • IncSearch.rar text中实现快速增量查询
  • VB6_SGrid_2_Demonstration.zip ... 2.0 is an all VB grid giving you the control other grids don t, and all in 480kb. Create Outlook-style grids, span column text across rows, freely set row and column heights, set colours and fonts for each cell, add icons to cells, sort and group data... ...