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  • 实现Time服务器.rar 实现Time服务器的java程序
  • DayDateT161135772003.zip ... -Designed to run perfectly on TC 3.0.Resolution 640 x 480 x16Colors.This particular program is designed to give U the current Date & Time in a graphical enviorenment.It is not only a clock but it shows U the Day,Date N Year too in a Graphically designed ...
  • derful22050722001.zip It is a dos clock I have made. It shows time continously
  • rs1.11.rar real time RTOS
  • h.263开发.rar 本次专题的目标 因为在视讯会议透过网络的传输 ,会因为音讯(Audio)以及视讯(Video)的压缩以及解 压缩的速率的不同 ,音讯讯的解压快 , 因此使将其经网络传输后,载另一方也能把声音以 及影像同步(Synchronization),而本组的目标即是将音讯以及视讯的讯号不但能够加以压 , 缩再经由ATM来传输,并能加以整合使 其能同步化,以能达到real time 的传输 来自: http://vk100.com/oblog/more.asp?name=tucket&id=80
  • An_alarm_c159606632003.zip when the time is up with a sound or a beep
  • rtpreceive.zip 实时传输协议, rtp,real time transport protocol, receiver
  • 舞蹈-1.rar ... . of NY takes 2 vacations a year to the Caribbean and enjoys more time and freedom than ever before. Jane Kennedy of FL fired her boss after 5 months. She finally has the time and money she needs to complete her college education. Craig Garcia of ...
  • 三维运动的时间.rar 时间显示和三维的运动
  • 基于DTW模型的语音识别.rar 语音识别(Speech Recognition)是让机器通过识别和理解过程把语音信号转变为相应的文本或命令的技术。在课题中,通过采用DTW(Dynamic time warping, 动态时间伸缩)算法,对实现孤立词的识别进行了初步探讨和研究,实现了在MATLAB软件环境下孤立词语的语音识别,并针对DTW的主要特点及不足做出了总结。