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  • Hydration of fingernail investigated by optical coherence tomogr... Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is used to investigate the microstructure changes of human fingernail induced by hydration. Images of nail plate are obtained to display the morphology of fingernail and to disclose the keratinization of basal cells of ...
  • Reconfigurable time-stretched swept laser source with up to 100 ... ... length of swept sources, respectively, determine the acquisition rate, axial resolution, and imaging range of optical coherence tomography (OCT). In this paper, we demonstrate a reconfigurable high-speed and broadband swept laser by time stretching of a ...
  • Review of methods to improve the performance of linear array-bas... As a hybrid imaging modality that combines optical excitation with acoustic detection, photoacoustic tomography (PAT) has become one of the fastest growing biomedical imaging modalities. Among various types of transducer arrays used in a PAT system ...
  • Intraoperative imaging of oral-maxillofacial lesions using optic... ... is still the gold standard for diagnoses of oral-maxillofacial lesions, but it is invasive and time-consuming. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides a kind of noninvasive, label-free, real-time and high-resolution imaging technology. In this study, ...
  • Combating acoustic heterogeneity in photoacoustic computed tomog... Based on the energy conversion of light into sound, photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) is an emerging biomedical imaging modality and has unique applications in a range of biomedical fields. In PACT, image formation relies on a process called ...
  • Optical design and simulation of an integrated OCT and video rig... An integrated optical coherence tomography (OCT) and video rigid laryngoscope have been designed to acquire surface and subsurface tissue images of larynx simultaneously. The dualmodality system that is based on a common-path design with components as few ...
  • High-dimension experimental tomography of a path-encoded photon ... Quantum information protocols often rely on tomographic techniques to determine the state of the system. A popular method of encoding information is on the different paths a photon may take, e.g., parallel waveguides in integrated optics. However, ...
  • Multi-frame speckle reduction in OCT using supercontinuum pumped... ... ) and a simple multi-frame averaging technique, we achieved significant speckle reduction in spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). We quantitatively compared the speckle of our proposed method with those of conventional swept source OCT ( ...
  • Performance evaluation of the simplified spherical harmonics app... As an emerging molecular imaging modality, cone-beam X-ray luminescence computed tomography (CB-XLCT) uses X-ray-excitable probes to produce near infrared (NIR) luminescence and then reconstructs three-dimensional (3D) distribution of the probes from ...
  • Laplacian manifold regularization method for fluorescence molecu... Sparse regularization methods have been widely used in fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) for stable three-dimensional reconstruction. Generally, l1-regularization-based methods allow for utilizing the sparsity nature of the target distribution. ...