Fast Fourier Transform using MPI libraries (Source Code)
... mel scale of frequency.
MFCCs derived as follows:
1. Take the Fourier transform of (a windowed excerpt of) a signal.
2. Map the ... at each of the mel frequencies.
4. Take the discrete cosine transform of the list of mel log powers, as if it were a ...
Contourlet is a new approach in image transform. There have something better than Fourier and Wavalet transform.
... can be designed to be a
tight frame. Pyramidal directional fi lter banks provide an effective
method to implement the digital curvelet transform. The regularity
issue of the iterated fi lters in the directional fi lter bank is examined.
... is a new two-dimensional
extension of the wavelet transform using multiscale and direc-
tional fi lter banks. The ... . Given this rich set of basis images,
the contourlet transform effectively captures smooth contours
that are the dominant feature ...
Short Fourier Transform for a non periodical signal
The dual-tree complex wavelet transform a new efficient tool for image restoration and enhancement