Le Descripteur SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) [1] consiste a extraire un histo-
gramme d orientations de gradients autour d un point d inter^et de l image. Le principe du calcul
du descripteur est illustre a la gure
... 等.-including the basic image compression coding methods as Huffman coding \ arithmetic coding \ JPEG 2 000 \ H.261 coding standard \ Wavelet Transform Coding \ motion estimation algorithm \ Video Image Acquisition is the VC now other
wavelets transform in domain of frequency
Fusion using integer wavelet transform implemented in C for BF532 Processor uisng VisualDSP++5.0
Implementing Fast Fourier transform using the parallel Matlab toolbox
TMS320F2812 the DSP chip DFT transform routines, for beginners DSP scholars, the code changes introduced in detail the process of DFT
CWT (Continuous Wavelet Transform). It can resolve seismic data and detect hydrocarbon directly. We may set it in a single frequency to visualize current frequency of stratigraphy
ACONV and ICONV are a convolution tool for two-scale transform.Filtering by periodic convolution with the time-reverse.