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  • B-tree.tar.gz TBTree.h is the file, which contains the implementation of the B-tree data structure.
  • MPLS-based-source-tree-multicast-algorithm-for-min 基于源树的MPLS最小冲突路径多播算法MPLS-based source tree multicast algorithm for minimum path conflict
  • Tree.rar This program is to find tree in graph. Tree in graph is a connected graph which not contains any cycle or called acyclic graph. Tree graph is a simple graph. This program used to find tree, using Java Scripts.
  • Huffman-tree.rar How to construct huffman tree
  • tree.rar this program is used to computer the minimum spanning tree given some terminals nodes
  • 5.--Binary-Search-Tree---deleting-a-node.rar Binary Tree Visual C++, "how to delete a node"
  • General-Tree-To-BTree-(CSharp).rar this is an application for converting a General Tree to B-tree.
  • SR-tree-java.zip SR-tree realization on Java
  • Tree-C-Evaluate.rar With C tree design paranthesis notation and x notation and evaluate tree
  • Tree.rar program in java to construct a minimum spanning tree