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  • hanghonghuoyun.zip 管理员用户登陆: 用户名 admin 密码123 (密码可打开access数据库hangkong.mdb,在user表中直接修改)asp文件:login.asp
  • DbUtil.zip 连接oracle数据库的操作方法 tatic String driverName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" static String dbUrl="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" static String user="DBA_WEB" static String password="DBA_WEB"
  • ContourBitmapSrc.zip ... Creator Introduction A few weeks ago I was looking for a way to create irregularly shaped windows from a bitmap with a user defined transparent color. The MFC samples, that I found so far, have their problems with enclosed transparent regions. So I ...
  • SubjectSpider_ByKelvenJU.rar ... 完一个网页后要sleep 2秒钟; 5、能对HTML网页进行解析,提取出链接URL,能判别提取的URL是否已处理过,不重复解析已crawl过的网页; 6、能够对spider/crawler程序的一些基本参数进行设置,包括:抓取深度(depth)、种子URL等; 7、使用User-agent向服务器表明自己的身份; 8、产生抓取统计信息:包括抓取速度、抓取完成所需时间、抓取网页总数;重要变量和所有类、方法加注释; 9、请遵守编程规范,如类、方法、文件等的命名规范, 10、可选:GUI图形用户界面 ...
  • HSMS2865.rar HSMS2865 user datasheet
  • XMLHacks.-.100.Industrial-Strength.Tips..Tools.200 ... , system administrators, and programmers who want to leverage the untapped power of XML. If you want more than the average XML user--to explore and experiment, discover clever shortcuts, and show off just a little (and have fun in the process)--this ...
  • oscill_src.zip This a simple implementation of Oscilloscope control. This control shows last N points of user data. It has up to 8 channels (number of channels are defined by OSC_MAX_CHANNELS parameter in header file). Each channel can show only one curve (in this ...
  • NAND256R3A_VE1.zip 256Mbits (x8) 528 Bytes Page, NAND Flash Memory Verilog HDL Model User Manual
  • VC++6.0DLL.rar 自从微软推出16位的Windows操作系统起,此后每种版本的Windows操作系统都非常依赖于动态链接库(DLL)中的函数和数据,实际上Windows操作系统中几乎所有的内容都由DLL以一种或另外一种形式代表着,例如显示的字体和图标存储在GDI DLL中、显示Windows桌面和处理用户的输入所需要的代码被存储在一个User DLL中、Windows编程所需要的大量的API函数也被包含在Kernel DLL中。
  • ui2swt-src-1.0.1.zip A translator that converts Qt Designer UI files into SWT java classes. Use the power of Qt Designer to generate your user interface and then automatically generate SWT java source code.