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  • NeoDatisODB.1.8.User-Guide.rar NeoDatisODB 的快速上手资料,需要的下
  • ExtensiveCombo_src.zip ... combo into a generic combo so that in the future I can add any control (for example, grid view, tree view, list box or any user control) inside the combo. In this article, I will focus on Multi-select and tree view combo but in the attached file you can ...
  • AlphaFormTransformer.zip ... control allows you to layout a 32 bit image with an alpha channel in the Forms designer and arrange additional controls within user specified areas of the image. At runtime, the control will generate a per pixel alpha composited Form with the desktop. The ...
  • DragDropListBoxSample.zip ... application. The concept is very simple: keep track of the item that is being dragged, indicate where the drop will be when the user is dragging the item around, and finally, insert the item in its new location once the user releases the mouse button.
  • linux-gpib-3.1.101.tar.gz The Linux GPIB Package is a support package for GPIB (IEEE 488) hardware. The package contains kernel driver modules, and a C user-space library with Guile, Perl, PHP, Python and TCL bindings. The API of the C library is intended to be compatible with ...
  • BlueLabxIDEuserguide.rar BlueLab xIDE user guide
  • threadx.rar ... and use ThreadX for the Motorola 68332 microprocessor using the Green Hills development suite. This guide, the readme.txt file on the distribution disk, and Chapter 2 of the ThreadX User Guide contain more detailed information on getting started.
  • JsForum0.01beta.rar ... 。-is java and jsp realized bbs forum system. Registered landing module, navigation module, barred when posting module, message management module, the Forum set up functional modules, Management plate functional modules, user management module.
  • HelpARMCompiler.rar This section describes the general options in the IAR Embedded Workbench® IDE. For information about how options can be set, the ARM® IAR Embedded Workbench® IDE User Guide.