SMWord suite for Delphi & C++Builder VCL components
... DLL, designed only to be used by Delphi applications. If your modules are developed as packages and not as DLLs, all modules will share the same memory manager, the VCL globals like Application and Screen, the same copy of the RTL and VCL code in memory!
... unit implements a new class, TBundledTimeZone, derived from TTimeZone. This package is basically all you need.
* TZVisualizer, a small VCL project that extracts time zone information from a given time zone. It writes all time intervals in a given ...
Freeboleto is a brazilian vcl component for bank ticket generate .
SmartFlash is a VCL with additional features in Macromedia Flash ActiveX.
SmartFlash support real trasparency of the flash and antialiasing effect in the flash frame.
我从去年 12 月上旬开始等待李维的《Inside VCL》。我当时的计划是,在这本书的指导下深入学习 Delphi。到了 12 月底,书还没有出来,我不愿再等,开始阅读 VCL 源代码。在读完 TObject、TPersistant 和 TComponent 的代码之后,我发现还是不清楚 Delphi 对象到底是 ... 理解了对象创建的整个过程(这里要特别感谢 book523 的帮助)。
此后我就开始学习 Delphi VCL 的消息处理机制。自从我写下《Delphi的对象机制浅探