Corner detection for camera calibration using a 3D calibration object. To get corners one must to define a 6point ROI. The corners will be detected inside ROI and will be put into a vector.
3-Phase PM Synchronous
Motor Vector Control Using a
56F80x, 56F8100, or
56F8300 Device
Calculate the distance of a given point P from a triangle TRI. Point P is a row vector of the form 1x3. The triangle is a matrix formed by three rows of points TRI = [P1 P2 P3] each of size 1x3. dist = pointTriangleDistance(TRI,P) returns the distance of ...
OCR, Unicode, Features, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Networks
... each integer value (or stored integer when you use a fixed point input) to a group of M bits, using the selection for the Output bit order to determine the most significant bit. The resulting output vector length is M times the input vector length.
svm test train tool used for support vector machine
... file
Nod.java it s the node, for the tree structure
Performante.java It s for the performances of the algorithm ( in percent )
ScriereBit.java writes a bit into the compressed file
Vect.java a vector structure which i use to keep the track in tree
Convert a vector auto-regressive model of order k to state-space form