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  • dvbsnoop-1.4.00.rar dvbsnoop is a DVB/MPEG stream analyzer program. The program can be used to sniff, monitor, debug, dump or view DVB/MPEG/DSM-CC/MHP stream information (digital television or data broadcasts) sent via satellite, cable or terrestrial.
  • Animated_S18084710212004.zip ... ## I Need your feedback. ## This file came from Planet-Source-Code.com...the home millions of lines of source code You can view comments on this code/and or vote on it at: http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=56852&lngWId= ...
  • ModalFrame.zip 这是一个在DialogBox中使用View试图的例子,我们大多试过在具有View视图的窗体中建立模态/非模态的对话框,但你可曾想过在对话框中使用View视图?希望这个例子可以给你启发.
  • DDM.0.2.5.src.zip DDM(Delicate Document Manager) is a tool for searching, browsing and managing PDF documents. It provides an Explorer-like view of PDF files with their titles instead of file names. It embeds a fast incremental search function for finding PDF files.
  • tts.tar.gz XChat TTS script is an perl written XChat2 script that speaks out messages in irc channels, and more. It provides an interface to setup the functions or view the online help.
  • proptree_src.zip The CPropTree class implements a tree control that is similar to the property view seen in Visual Studio .Net. The source project compiles to a DLL so you can easily incorporate it into your project. You can check my web page for more information on the ...
  • ListViews.zip UIQ symbian平台,UI界面中显示List View的源代码。
  • (MIT)WorkflowManagement--ModelsMethodsSystems.rar ... topic. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, it has been written about from every possible point of view—economic, sociological, psychological, accountancy, mechanical engineering and business administration. In this book, we examine the ...
  • PrintGL_Fietiger.rar ... 它的基础上面做了一点点改动,就是将CGLobj当成了View的一个成员,原来他们之间存在继承关系.效果相同. Ch4.rar ...
  • yuv-view.zip 流媒体中的yuv图像装换成rgb显示,测试运行通用过的