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  • oneDocmanyView.rar MFC下创建单文档多视图的例子,实现一个Doc多View
  • atviewer.rar ... is a component for Delphi/C++Builder, which allows to view files of various types. There is no edit possibility, ... file" feature in your Delphi/C++Builder application. The following view modes are implemented: Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: all files, ...
  • view.rar 彩色显示及保存图像,图象采集的彩色显示及保存图像
  • javaWorkFlow.rar JGraph扩展应用。自定义Renderer,自定义视图View实现自定义工作流控件
  • 3DFont.rar vc++6.0绘制3D文字实例,运行后在view框中显示3D文字。初学者用
  • win32_usb_view.rar USB——view win 32下查看USB设备源码
  • view_pic.ZIP the program for picture view with vb
  • 10.rar sqlserver:view store procedure trigger
  • LoadBmp.rar MFC读取Bmp图片 可打开Bmp图片,并把BMp图片绘制到view中来
  • lplayer_1.01.tar.gz ... a traditional player, taking into account the rating of the song and the time that has passed since the song was last listened to. The GUI allows you to view, rate, replay, and delete songs previously listened to. It works with XMMS, WinAmp, and iTunes.