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  • SimpleBrowse.rar ... 款简洁易用,源码公开的图片浏览器。它短小精悍,浏览快速,生成的缩图精美漂亮,能浏览常见的多种图像格式。 它是仿照ACDSee而做的,样子和使用方法都挺象。但是有一点不同:在ACDSee里,浏览到缩图后,想看大图,要用View命令切换到另一个界面,有时候,这种做法不够方便;而Simple Browse的做法是,目录树、缩图文件列表和大图观看窗口,全放在一个界面中,省去切换的麻烦。 使用 Simple Browse的使用方法和ACDSee很象,不同之处在于把大图观看窗口放在界面的中央,观看 ...
  • FaceDetection.rar ... on the detection of frontal human faces, whereas newer algorithms attempt to solve the more general and difficult problem of multi-view face detection. That is, the detection of faces that are either rotated along the axis from the face to the observer ( ...
  • smart_card_os_flow.rar high level view of smart card OS flow
  • view3dscene-2.4.0-win-i386.zip view3dsscene to view 3ds files
  • comboboxfilter.rar This is Source Code C# to fill combobox to grid view
  • DataGridviewComboBoxColumn.rar Data grid view combobox column
  • WebMIS.GoldFilter.rar ***功能描述*** 对DataTable/View各列做各种智能匹配、比较操作、模糊匹配查询过滤、在结果中查询过滤。 相当但丰富于DataTable/View数据王国的“BaiDu” ***适用范围*** 各个网站网页或软件的网格数据过滤,通用于Oracel、SQLServer、ADO.NET的查询过滤。
  • PROJECT_PLANNING_MANAGEMENT.zip Application has mainly eight functions:- AD Button Ad Details Ad Request Create Add Reject Add Staff Add Staff Functionalities Staff View
  • IIS_Log_Reader.rar I wrote this small program to view incomming requests to my web server. There is no installation file, just unzip both files, and run "IIS Log Reader.exe"