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  • asr10172005.zip This is a complete address book using Tree view control, MS flex Grid Control and Crystal Reports with Access DataBase from a college (visiting and permanent Teachers)
  • QAL.zip 本源码使用GPL协议,请在使用本源码前阅读GPL协议译文以及原文:http://baike.baidu.com/view/130692.htm QQ登录管理器 v1.55, 可以批量登录QQ2009版以前的任意QQ以及TM(例如QQ2008、QQ2007,TM2007等等) 本源码可直接使用VC6编译通过,无需任何其他库文件。 本源码作者为狂人论坛iMac,如需转载本源码,请保留作者信息,并注明“此软件源码来自狂人论坛(http://bbs.gochina.cn)”,谢谢合作。
  • AppStyle.rar 怎样修改MFC程序的外观,:标题、view的背景和光标形状、添加工具栏等
  • ClipmapTerrain.rar ... map is not found, the program attempts to open "Map.ved", a Tread Marks map file. Tread Marks maps will only work for MAP_SIZE == 1024. Also, the MULT_SCALE to view Tread Marks maps correctly is "0.25f". (www.TreadMarks.com) CONTROLS: MOUSE - Hold Left
  • TwoViewApp.zip this file provide an information with respect to the flipping of view for iphone
  • mvc-pv-2005.zip Source Code for Model View Patterns
  • WinFormsMVC_0.2_Source.zip Source Code for Model View Controler
  • MyNotepad.zip 自己用MFC的view视图,不使用任何控件,编写的一个记事本程序
  • view.rar 星号密码查看器 ,附有源代码,所有星号密码 用这个软件一照,就出来了。想学API挂钩的朋友们速速下载啊!
  • cam.rar simple file made in opencv to view video from a camera