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  • Hidden-Markov-Model.rar 实现了隐马尔可夫模型的前向算法、后向算法和viterbi算法。
  • state estimation of dynamic system using viterbi algorithm
  • 4.rar 4. 试说明卷积编解码的工作原理。请用Simulink仿真卷积编码,并用Viterbi译码的方法进行解码,其中的编码、译码全部是自己编写代码(S-Function方式),不是调用Simulink的已有编码、译码函数。请在加性白高斯噪声信道中,画出比特信噪比与误码率的关系曲线。
  • convlutional_code_viterbi.rar 卷积码的实现,c比matlab快很多。Script for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in AWGN with Hard and Soft decision Viterbi decoding with traceback
  • viterbi_path.rar hidden markov viterbi
  • vitdec.rar viterbi decoder. it implements viterbi decoder
  • ffmpeg-0.6.3.rar This is a quick description of the viterbi aka dynamic programing algorthm.
  • sova0.rar This function implememts Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm in trace back mode Input: rec_s: scaled received bits. rec_s(k) = 0.5 * L_c(k) * y(k) L_c = 4 * a * Es/No, reliability value of the channel y: received ...
  • modqam.rar 16 qam modulation that apply on sequential with viterbi uncoded
  • most_likely_viterbi.zip Viter viterbi decoding...but not working