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  • WavPlayer.zip To play a WAV file, you only need to create a SoundPlayer, add the location of the WAV file, and then play the file. This takes all of three lines of code
  • wavebox.rar ShowWaveForm is based from a C++ class, called CWaveFile, written by Alexander Beletsky. This is a port to C#, with some added features. A small .wav file is included in the demo project .zip file for testing.
  • bofangwav.rar playwav.c 只能播放短文件,属于参照。 dsp.c 即能播放任意长度WAV文件。
  • wav_compare_statistics.rar 可以比较各种WAV输出,包括扩展格式,以及16bit,24bit 32bitPCM
  • asftopipe-1.01.zip convert from mpeg to wav
  • AKOR.rar Analizing audio signal [music in .wav format] to determine accord of music.
  • MyMediaPlayer.rar 实现了一个简单的媒体播放器,该媒体播放器可以播放Wav和CD光盘
  • WAVETOPCM.rar WAV文件格式和从WAVE文件中提取PCM数据的程序,这个是上个语音播放程序的附加文件,供大家参考
  • pro_v.rar 用于从wav文件中提取mfcc系数,并分别求出一节差分和二阶差分系数
  • src.zip wav转换成mp3的工具,而且不会失真,是个转换的好东西