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  • HTMLViewerSample.zip This sample will show you how to use the WebBrowser Control and how to disable right click context menu for browser s window. Requires installed Internet Explorer 3.xx or Internet Explorer 4.xx. Works with both versions. This sample works with All version ...
  • Advanced Filter Design using MATLAB.rar ... October 1999This program is freeware.Unpack with path names, for exampleDOS: pkunzip -d afdunix: unzip -L afdAfter unpacking afd.zip, and run MATLAB,change directory to afdfrom the MATLAB command window.Execute demoafd to quickly scan the AFD operation.
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  • HanoiDemo.rar 一个基于Window GUI 的汉诺塔的算法演示,仅仅是算法演示,不能控制
  • 机器人语音控制系统.rar [Api command] Title=机器人语音控制系统 the message sent to "Demo Window" application will be WM_USER+1000+# Message=1 CMDs=零,一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九,执行,各 ...