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  • s_server.rar SSL服务器端程序,WINDOW下VC
  • MediaPlayer5.20.rar ... multimedia playback or recording capabilities to your applications. The MCIWnd Window class is very easy to use. By identifying a ... function and two macros, an application can create an MCIWnd window with the appropriate media device, play the device, ...
  • Control_DataGrid_src.zip 一个学习C#window编程中,datagridview控件 的使用的代码有很好实用价值。我就是参照他的才对grid有个理解。
  • linuxQ.rar 能在window和linux下运行的类似qq的小程序,有基本的功能
  • mmread.zip mmread reads virtually any media file. If Windows Media Play can play it, so should mmread. It uses the Window s DirectX infrastructure to % render the media, so other OSs are out of luck.
  • LINUX_analysis_and_program.rar 本书介绍Linux环境下的编程方法,内容包括Linux系统命令、 Shell脚本、编程语言(gawk、Perl)、系统内核、安全体系、X Window等,内容丰富、论述全面,涵盖了Linux系统的方方面面。本书附带光盘包括了RedHat Linux系统的最新版本,及安装方法,还包括本书的大量程序代码,极大地方便了读者,为使用和将要使用Linux系统的技术人员提供了较全面的参考。
  • Tray__Icon.rar ... icon to the system tray with the specified ToolTip text and // callback notification value, which is sent back to the Parent window. // // The tray icon can be instantiated using either the constructor or by // declaring the object and creating (and ...
  • VC++(MFC)Face.rar ... 3.add #include"SkinMagicLib.h" to the C*APP.cpp 4.In C*APP::InitInstance(), before show window, add: InitSkinMagicLib( GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, NULL,NULL) LoadSkinFile(".\\Tusk.smf") SetWindowSkin(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd->m_hWnd , ...
  • WindowNetWork.rar Window网络与通信 书的配套源码
  • PlayerContrl.rar java中用jni实现调用window mediaplay 组件实现window mediaplay在java中内嵌 组件的例子