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  • DRAWLINE.rar 通过WINDOW API 的划线接口 实现各种图形 可以应用在矩形图形功能
  • TROYICO.rar 实现了在WINDOW窗口加载和卸载图形图标 可以应用在窗口缩小后想打开窗口的场合
  • WirelessNetworkingLab102MACContentionWindow.rar The goal of this exercise is to investigate the impact of contention window size on the performance of the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol.
  • server.rar 本例包括一个 将外部程序注册为Windows服务的程序 以及一个可以被注册为Windows服务的程序。 它们揭示了注册一个Window服务的基本步骤。
  • mouse.rar mouseCoords. display window coordinate
  • VC++programnote.rar 该数比较全面的介绍了vc++ window编程的一系列问题,对于一般vc编程者是一本很不错的参考资料
  • DiskID.rar 本程序是用JNI技术实现的读取硬盘序列号, 将ChenminDiskIDJoc.jar 加入环境变量 这两个文件放入window 文件夹 或者JDK的bin文件夹 或者你的应用文件夹 DiskID32.dll DiskID.dll public static String chenmin.io.DiskID.Factory() 返回 ...
  • A__very_si1905246242005.zip This little code shows you how easy it is to load a bitmap into your window! I programmed this as simple as possible so most people can understand it and use it in their games and other programs
  • dragonplayer-2.0.1.rar ... player with an uncluttered interface and smart features. A bundled KPart integrates it into Konqueror. Dragon Player remembers settings specific to each video, not specific to the application (the playback position, the preferred window size, etc.).
  • echo.rar 1.TCP客户端程序2.在运行中键入“cmd”后,在出现的window consle对话框中输入ipconfig –all,得到类似图片“ip地址情况”的结果, 3.得到本机的ip地址(与题目2中的ip地址相同),将其转化为一个用32位无符号长整形表示的数值,