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  • CloseWindow.rar window 的关机代码,有兴趣的朋友可以分析一下
  • jisuanqi2.zip 设计一个复杂的计算器,能实现Window中计算器的功能,如下图: ⑴定义组件:0~9,+、-、*、/、sqrt()、1/x、%、C=按钮;显示屏文本行;菜单; ⑵要求能关闭窗口;点击按钮,或键盘数字会在显示屏上输出结果。 ⑶具有进制转换功能;
  • ThickBox3.1.rar JavaScript ThickBox window widget.
  • nonfullscreendemo.zip window mobile 中非全屏显示对话框
  • FIR-h(t).rar 利用窗函数法设计FIR滤波器,给出其抽样响应。程序中调用了子程序window
  • HBMA.rar ... An example of main function calling this function is "MEMBA", which can be entered on the command window. %The function also use the function "EBMA" for motion estimation of every macroblock
  • Motion_Estimation_2D.rar ... Frame from Target Frame in either integer or half-pel accuracy. An example of main function calling this function is "MEMBA", which can be entered on the command window. The function also use the function "EBMA" for motion estimation of every macroblock
  • DiskID.rar 本程序是用JNI技术实现的读取硬盘序列号 将ChenminDiskIDJoc.jar 加入环境变量 这两个文件放入window 文件夹 或者JDK的bin文件夹 或者你的应用文件夹 DiskID32.dll DiskID.dll public static String chenmin.io.DiskID.Factory() 返回 ...
  • wmprint.zip Window Contents Capturing using WM_PRINT Message
  • DragDropListBoxSample.zip ... The advantage of this method is that you don t have to create bulky global memory handles to simply move data within the same window in the same application. The concept is very simple: keep track of the item that is being dragged, indicate where the drop ...