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  • Or-gano-ERP ...

    All you need to build this project is Java 5.0 (Java SDK 1.5) or better, Maven 2.0.10 or better. ... > You cannot use the import option General > Existing Projects into Workspace because Eclipse does not recognize Maven projects as Eclipse projects ...

  • iOS-Universal-Framework ... of the **Copy Headers** build phase (workaround for Xcode bug). 5. Turn off **Show environment variables in build log** for ... This solves a number of linker, unit testing, and workspace inclusion issues that plagued the previous hacky implementations. ...
  • GWT-Module ... Eclipse. We've tested against Eclipse 3.4 and 3.5. Later versions will likely also work, earlier versions may ... the File menu and choose: File -> Import... -> Existing Projects into Workspace Browse to the directory containing this file, select " ...
  • OpenMEAP Open Source Mobile Enterprise Application Platform OpenMEAP 1.5.0 Release Please see COPYING for license information. We continue ... you are interested in enhancing or extending OpenMEAP, see our wiki for instructions on setting up a workspace in Eclipse.
  • midifighter-solid ... b0001 is "MIDI Channel 2", b0100 is "MIDI Channel 5", etc. 2. MIDI Velocity ---------------- . # . . <- Flashing exit key . * * * <- MIDI ... keep typing to a minimum. I keep my workspace at "C:\midifighter" The source code for the ...
  • jbehave-eclipse-plugin ... com/Arnauld/jbehave-eclipse-plugin/issues/16) available at `<workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/technbolts-jbehave-eclipse-plugin/plugin.log ... a step and apply corresponding syntax highlighting ([Issue 5](https://github.com/Arnauld/jbehave-eclipse-plugin/issues/ ...
  • email_template_manager ... include dynamic parts, e.g. using a (filtered) datasource: `/workspace/media/order-confirmations/order-{/data/order-confirmations/entry/@ ... reply to this email. ### 3.5 Setting up the second template settings (thank you ...
  • ipdburt ... and directories, *run only once*` mvn eclipse:configure-workspace -Declipse.workspace=/path/to/workspace mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse Release ... released, the tag to create and the next version 5. Checkout the tagged version (e.g. for the ...
  • trinidad ... of the application. This has **changed in Trinidad 1.5** and it assumes thread-safe applications by default. ... first `trinidad` the server uses standard output : ``` kares@theborg:~/workspace/trinidad/MegaUpload$ trinidad -p 8000 -e staging Initializing ...
  • omnisharp-vim ... - `center`: Centered in the Vim window, filling the entire workspace. ## Run unit tests It is possible to run unit tests ... Set desired preview window height for viewing documentation. set previewheight=5 endif " Tell ALE to use OmniSharp for linting C# ...