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  • vcn远程控制源代码.zip ... . It allows an NT desktop to be accessed remotely using a VNC viewer. These were both built using Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 and each contains a workspace & project file suitable for building it.
  • VQ.rar ... 的wav文件进行特征提取并产生VQ码本, 在workspace中有个ans的文件保存为.m文件,比如7 ... 步骤1产生的码本。(必须保证7.m在workspace中打开)此时就会显示结果。 Speaker 1 matches with ... 3 matches with speaker 4 Speaker 4 matches with speaker 6 Speaker 5 matches with speaker 2 Speaker 6 matches with speaker 7 Speaker 7 ...
  • Maya2dts_skinned_mesh_tutorial.rar 将模型和动画从Maya导入到Torque的教程 一共18个步骤,有详细的步骤介绍
  • 手机版的贪吃蛇游戏源码

    本人写的手机版的贪吃蛇游戏源码,使用Eclipse 3.5制作, WTK版本是2.5.2.01,将文件解压后使用File->implort->General->Exist projects into workspace导入, 如果和您的机器WTK配置不同,可以右击工程名,重新配置J2me下面的WTK

  • myeclipse8.x 一键优化工具

    MyEclipse一键优化工具 1.0版本优化功能详细说明 1.停止自动更新 2.关闭不必要的验证 3.jsp默认编码为utf-8 4.jsp打开为代码加快读取页面速度 5.智能提示键为右alt+/ 6.去除很少用的加载的模块 使用说明:点优化按钮选择您的Workspace所在的文件夹,也就是存项目集的文件夹。 如果新手看不懂意思请点下面的帮助按钮查看。

  • hubot-do ... few weeks. 3. [Download][hubot] the latest Hubot package. 4. Expand the `.zip` or `.tar.gz` file somewhere convenient, perhaps in `~/Workspace/` 5. Edit `hubot/package.json` and add `hubot-do` to the dependencies ...
  • SimScript ... /all-touchXtend`, and refresh (F5) all open projects in the workspace. 5. Generate the language infrastructure for all DSLs in ... order: 1. `structure` 2. `backend` 3. `simpleDb` 4. `mappings` 5. `ui` 6. `application` (Some DSLs are dependent on ...
  • i3-wm-config ... workspace 3 Mod + 4 = Switch to workspace 4 Mod + 5 = Switch to workspace 5 Mod + 6 = Switch to ... Decrease Key (varies on keyboard) / XF86AudioLowerVolume = Lower volume by 5% Volume Increase Key (varies on keyboard) / XF86AudioRaiseVolume = Raise ...
  • enginePlayer ... 1. Run eclipse CDT. 2. Open context menu in project explorer. 3. Select "import". 4. Select "General/Existing Projects into workspace". 5. Select your root directory of project "/projects/{your development system}/eclipse/". 6 ...
  • AndroidRatesAPISample ... git clone https://github.com/oanda/AndroidRatesAPISample.git 4. Import the project into eclipse (File -> Import -> Android -> Existing Android Code Into Workspace) 5. Run the project, Right-click on the project -> Run As -> ...