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资源说明:Visual DataFlex interface (class) for FogBugz
= VDFogBugz
==== Visual DataFlex library for FogBugz

VDFogBugz is a Visual DataFlex library containing a single class, +cFogBugz+,
which can act as an interface to a FogBugz installation.

== Using VDFogBugz

VDFogBugz is a Visual DataFlex workspace, prepared to be used as a library.

Download VDFogBugz using the download link on github and extract the archive
to your filesystem. Add a reference to the VDFogBugz workspace matching your
version of VDF to your project. Then add something similar to this to your
source code:

  Use cFogBugz.pkg
  Object oFogBugz is a cFogBugz
      Set psProtocol to fbHTTPS
      Set psHost to "example.fogbugz.com"
      // Set psPath to "path/to/fogbugz/installation"

With this in place you're all set to do something like:

  tfbProject[] myProjects
  Integer i
  If (Logon(oFogBugz(Self), "user@example.com", "password")) Begin
      If (ListProjects(oFogBugz(Self), False, (&myProjects))) Begin
          For i from 0 to (SizeOfArray(myProjects) - 1)
              Showln myProjects[i].Name
TODO: Support using an API token from FogBugz on demand.

== About cFogBugz

The class has only three public properties: +psProtocol+, +psHost+ and
+psPath+. You need only use +psPath+ if FogBugz is not installed in the root
of the domain specified by +psHost+.

You must call +Logon+ before you can access the rest of the methods.

All methods of +cFogBugz+ returns a boolean value indicating the success of the
call - true for 'ok', false in case of errors. Errors will be reported using
the +Error+ statement, so use an error handler if you don't want your users to
see them.

Methods which, in the FogBugz API, return data will have a +ByRef+ parameter,
like +myProjects+ in the example above. In case of arrays, they should always
be empty before the call.

The workspace includes a test program and an example view demonstrating further
use of the class.

== Project status

Currently 21% of the FogBugz version 5 API has been implemented:

* Logon
* ListFilters
* ChangeFilter*
* ListProjects
* ListAreas*
* ListCategories*
* ListPriorities*
* ListPeople*
* ListFixFors*
* ListMailboxes*
* StartWork*
* StopWork*
* NewInterval*
* ListIntervals

Methods marked with an asterisk are untested.
