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资源说明:My Google AppEngine-related stuff
AppEngine Java API Stuff

A collection of projects related to Google AppEngine for Java. Most use Spring in some fashion.

1. Download the Google App Engine Java SDK and unzip to $SDK

2. Install the Google App engine-specific jars into your local maven repo:

   cp $SDK
   cd $SDK

3. (Optional) Install the m2eclipse Eclipse plugin

4. Check out this repository to $REPO

5. cd $REPO
   mvn package eclipse:m2eclipse

6. Start Eclipse and create a new workspace at $WORKSPACE

7. Create a new project from existing sources, choosing $REPO/appengine-blog
   as the project source directory

8. Create a new "Java Application" launch configuration as follows:
   Name: "GAE dev server for appengine-blog"
   Classpath tab: add $SDK/lib/appengine-tools-api.jar to the build path
   Main tab: set Main class to
   Arguments tab: Program arguments = "${workspace_loc:appengine-blog}/target/appengine-blog-1.0-SNAPSHOT"
                  Working directory: other = $SDK

9. Project Properties > Builders > New > Maven Build
   Auto Build Goals: war:exploded
   Manual Build Goals: package
   During a clean: clean
   After a clean: package
   [*] offline (optional, but speeds things up)
Now, every time a resource such as Spring config or a JSP page is changed, the war:exploded plugin will
run to update the exploded war directory in the target folder. By running the launcher in debug mode,
changes to Java classes will be reloaded automatically.

A simple blog application built to test the Google AppEngine for Java API
