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资源说明:ruby image compositing abstraction layer for rmagick

RComposite is an RMagick abstraction library to easily manipulate and composite 
images through the use of a canvas, layers, layer masks, adjustment layers, fill
layers, and layer sets (much like in Photoshop).


Add the github repository to your gem sources:

  sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com

Install the gem from github:

  sudo gem install corbanbrook-rcomposite


  require 'rubygems'
  require 'rcomposite'

  include RComposite # optional: if you wish to have the RComposite module in your project scope


Class Summary:

* Layers: There are 4 types of Layer Models,

  * Layer: The base layer model. Can load an image from disk, blob,
    or RMagick Image object. Contains methods to transform, change layer mode,
    change opacity level, and more.

  * FillLayer: A solid color, gradient, or pattern fill layer.

  * AdjustmentLayer: Invert, Threshold, Levels, Blur adjustment layer.
    Applies layer effect over everything under it in the layer stack.

  * LayerMask: Mask any of the above layer types. LayerMasks are a special
    type of layer which is a Alpha Channel mask that can be applied to any
    layer type. Since LayerMask is also a layer, it can also be transformed
    in any way.

  * LayerSets: 2 types of LayerSet Models,

    * LayerSet: The LayerSet is a container, or directory in which to bundle
      layers. LayerSet contains methods to do group transforms on its bundled
      layers. Transforms like rotation, movement and scaling are performed on
      all the layers it contains while maintaining each layer on a seperate plane
      without merging.

    * Canvas: The canvas is a special LayerSet which is a blank workspace containing
      other layers and layer sets.


* Creating a blank canvas:

    canvas = RComposite::Canvas.new(640, 480)

  Canvas also accepts an optional block for easily adding layers to the stack

    canvas = Rcomposite::Canvas.new(640, 480) do
      layer :file => 'butterfly.png'

* Creating a layer:

    photo = RComposite::Layer.new :file => 'photo.jpg'

* Creating a fill layer:

    blue = RCompisite::FillLayer.new '#000090'

* Changing a Layers properties:

    blue.opacity 40
    blue.mode Multiply

* Adding layers to the canvas. (Whatever is added first will be on top):

    canvas.layer blue
    canvas.layer photo

* Saving the canvas:

    canvas.save_as 'bluesky.jpg'

* Adding an alpha channel mask to a layer:

  Masks are used to punch holes into layers to add transparency.

    blue.layer_mask :file => 'alpha_channel.png'

  You can add layer options to the mask just like it was a normal layer.

    fill_layer SolidColor, '#f83898FF' do
      layer_mask :file => 'butterfly-mask.png' do
        offset -30, -30
        rotate 40

The real power of RComposite lies in its use of blocks and simplified syntax.
Take a look at the following examples:

* Just like the Canvas, all layer types also accept an optional block parametre for setting layer options:

    butterfly = RComposite::Layer :file => 'butterfly.png' do 
      offset 100, 100 # moves the layer on the canvas
      rotate 25


    canvas.layer :file => 'butterfly.png' do 

* DSL Example

    Canvas.new(320,240) do

      layer_set :slides do
        layer :file => 'slide1.png' do
          opacity 65
          offset 12, 12
          mode Lighten

        adjustment_layer Blur, 0.5, 1.5 do
          layer_mask :file => 'butterfly-mask.png'

        layer :file => 'slide2.png' do
          offset 28, 28
          opacity 30
          mode Darken

        rotate 45
        offset 70, 50
        scale 80, 80

      fill_layer SolidColor, '#f83898FF' do
        opacity 70
        mode Multiply

        layer_mask :file => 'butterfly-mask.png' do
          offset -30, -30
          image.rotate! 40

      fill_layer Gradient, 0, 0, 0, 50, '#606', '#033' do
        opacity 90
        mode Overlay

        layer_mask :file => 'butterfly-mask.png' do
          offset -20, -20

      layer :file => 'background.png' do
        image.resize!(320, 240)

      save_as 'composite.jpg'

The nice thing about RComposite is that it doesnt hide the underlaying RMagick
Image object from you. It is always available through the image accessor

  layer :file => 'photo.jpg' do
    image.crop_resized!(100,300) # crop_resized! is a RMagick method

@corban                                                    weare.buildingsky.net

       Copyright (c) 2009 Corban Brook, released under the MIT license
