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资源说明:Shared library code for iPhone projects

Code Library for DRY iPhone Development
Copyright 2010 ZWorkbench, Inc.

See CHANGES for a list of recent changes

To convert an existing ClientProject to use an XCode 4 Workspace with Desiccant as a subproject:

1)  Remove any references to existing Desiccant from ClientProject

2)  In XCode: Create ClientProject XCode workspace in ClientProject root.  ClientProject should be located somewhere inside this workspace root.

3)  From Finder, drag ClientProject.xcodeproj into XCode workspace navigator.

4)  To Add Desiccant:

From workspace root:

Copy libraries_init.rb to your workspace root.
Run it.  This will set up cocoa-bucks and desiccant as submodules in your workspace.
ruby libraries_init.rb

5) If you wish to be able to edit and check code into desiccant:

cd desiccant

If branch doesn't exist:
git checkout -b client_project_branch_name
git push origin client_project_branch_name

If branch exists:
git fetch
git checkout -b client_project_branch_name origin/client_project_branch_name

To allow non-devs to check out easily:

cp desiccant/libraries_clone.rb .

Edit the file with your branch names

mate libraries_clone.rb

6)  Setting up XCode

Drag the desiccant/Desiccant.xcodeproj file from the finder into the workspace navigator.  Be sure not to drag it into the existing project, but below it.

Select ClientProject in XCode:

Add ../desiccant/desiccant/Classes/** to Header Search Paths

Add -ObjC and -all_load to "Other Linker Flags"

Drag desiccant/Products/libdesiccant.a to the Frameworks section of ClientProject

Add frameworks used by Desiccant to your own project by dragging frameworks from the desiccant project into your client project's frameworks group.
