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资源说明:Add reactivity to the corners and edges of your GNOME desktop.
                               BRIGHTSIDE 1.4.0

Brightside Renders Into Gnome Helpful Things Such as are In Other Desktop 

This is Brightside, a small tool to do what Metacity doesn't: it reacts in 
appropriate and configurable ways when the mouse pointer strays into the 
corners or edges of the screen.

Edge flipping has only been tested with Metacity.

Current actions are:
- Fade out volume (uses the OSS mixer by default, then ALSA; the ALSA code 
  doesn't work too well)
- Prevent screensaver starting (implemented by running 
  xscreensaver-command -deactivate every 30 seconds)
- Start screensaver and lock screen (using xscreensaver-command -lock)
- Enter DPMS standby mode (using xset dpms force standby)
- Enter DPMS suspend mode
- Enter DPMS off mode
- Dim laptop backlight (kernel 2.4.18-rc2-benh minimum, PowerBooks only)
- Custom action

This URL contains more information:

Short ... Long means 100-1500ms, in 10ms increments. This is what the Keyboard 
capplet does, so there's probably a deep and meaningful HIG reason behind it.

Once edge resistance has been overcome, edge flipping will be instant until a 
period of twice the edge flipping delay time elapses without an edge flip 
occurring. From then on, the delay for edge resistance will increase at unit 
rate until it attains its original value. Thus one may easily flip two adjacent 
edges in turn, or even multiple opposite edges, provided the edge delay and 
mouse velocity and acceleration are set to suitable values. (This also makes
accidental edge flips significantly less annoying, as one is not stuck on the
new workspace.) One can tell when the first timeout has occurred as the popup
pager will be re-hidden.

The mouse pointer is tracked by polling its position every ( d ÷ 5 ) ms, where
d is the minimum of the two delay values and the resultant value is clamped to
between 20 and 200ms. I realise that this is woefully inefficient, but it does
not lead to significant resource usage on my system. I may someday implement
tracking the mouse properly, with one-pixel transparent screen-edge windows.

The Brightside icon is based on the Monitor icon from the beautiful Amaranth 
svg Gnome icon theme by Michael Doches. It was edited using Inkscape 0.36.

An incredible amount of code was lifted directly from Acme, the multimedia 
keys daemon by Bastien Nocera. 

New in version

- bugfixes (see ChangeLog)

- bugfix, tray icon now optional at configure time (use Sessions capplet to 
  remove from session)

- some additions: --pager option, pager lives on mouseover, pager obeys mouse

- decided, in the great and honourable tradition of Gnome applications, to 
  make this the first release version


- the gnome2 libraries and libwnck
- gob2, if you intend to hack on the volume control and fbdev stuff.
- -devel/-dev packages if you want to compile on RPM/Debain based binary 
- a good C compiler - if you find any faults in the code, send me the patch!
- a window manager that brings along the window being moved when told to
  switch workspace. This does not include Metacity version <= 2.6.3.
  The relevant patch to Metacity is in my Portage overlay at
- a session manager
- a compatible notification area (a.k.a system tray)


0) If you got this from the git tree, you need to generate files like
   ./configure etc. To do so, run in the directory
   into which you unpacked brightside. If you're not under gnome,

     autoreconf -fi
     intltoolize --force --copy --automake

   might well work instead.

1) ./configure

2) make

3) make install

4) for brightness and volume control: make sure you have read and write 
   permissions on /dev/pmu and /dev/mixer

5) run brightside or brightside-preferences, or visit Desktop Preferences ->
   Screen Corners and Edges - brightside will add itself to your session.

Voila !

Hidden Stuff

/apps/brightside/after_flip_command will be run after each flip. Use it to 
make a funny noise, or something.

/apps/brightside/orientable_workspaces controls whether the workspace layout
is an orientable manifold. Turn it off for some very weird effects.

Run `brightside --pager' to make brightside present its pager. (Implemented with
highly hackish and inappropriate X named clipboard IPC.) I use the hidden `bind
key to command' feature in Metacity to bind this to Ctrl+Alt+Space for easy 
workspace switching.


0) Delete all but: AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README src/*.{c,h,svg,png,glade,am} 
      src/ src/ 
      po/*.po po/ChangeLog po/POTFILES.* ebuild/ doc/
1) intltoolize --copy
2) automake-1.7 --add-missing --copy
3) aclocal-1.7
4) cp /usr/share/automake-1.7/config.guess /usr/share/automake-1.7/config.sub .
5) autoheader
6) cp /usr/share/gettext/ABOUT-NLS .
7) automake (tell me if you get it to work with unsermake)
8) autoconf-2.58
9) See Installation

You MUST delete po/brightside.pot and make update-po in po/ if you change any
localisable strings (anything in the .glade files and, 
the lines starting _ in, and strings wrapped _(...) in 
.c and .h files).

The Makefile has two extra targets; srcdist and edigest:

`make srcdist' will make distclean and then pack the whole lot into a .tar.bz2
suitable for source distribution. 
The current directory MUST NOT be ..

`make edigest' will make srcdist and then generate a digest for the created


Q: I'm not seeing the popup window when I change the brightness; what's wrong ?
A: There are 2 things to check:
	1) at least a 2.4.18-rc2-benh kernel.
	2) that the permissions on /dev/fb0 and /dev/pmu make it readable and
	   writable for the users that want to use Brightside.


- Powerbook backlight dimming is totally untested
- Sometimes the top menu item in a list (the Mute item) will appear greyed out.
  This does not affect the functionality of the application as it regains its 
  appearance when the mouse is moved over it. This is probably a GTK bug; I've
  seen it in a few other applications that make the sensitivity of a list 
  control depend on the value of another control.
- The ALSA mixer is buggy: it unmutes to 2% less than the previous volume, and
  fails to notice the volume being changed elsewhere. I've rewritten the code
  to use the OSS mixer by default.
- Each time Brightside starts, the first time the pager is shown it will 
  flicker in the wrong place. Someone please tell me how to get a Gtk widget
  to layout itself without mapping it to the display...
- Some people have reported schema troubles - "Expected 'int' got 'float'" and
  the like. This appears to be a result of the schema not being installed 
  properly. If this happens to you then the quick fix is to run:
  	gconftool-2 -t int -s /apps/brightside/edge_delay 500
  for each key that is reported broken. I'm still trying to work out why this 
  happens in the first place.


Thanks to Bastien Nocera for Acme, the multimedia keys daemon this project is 
a rip-off of.
Thanks to Havoc Pennington for Metacity, for libwnck, and for making both
just lacking in features enough to force me to learn Xlib.


GNU General Public License, version 2 or later, for everything in this package.


OSS Mixer documentation:

ALSA 0.5.x Mixer documentation:

ALSA 0.9.x mixer "documentation":
