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资源说明:A server for the Big Computing stack, a fork of NetWorkSpaces. The fork aims to improve stability, speed and scalability.
NetWorkSpaces Server

  NetWorkSpaces (NWS) is a powerful, open-source software package that
  makes it easy to use clusters from within scripting languages like
  Python, R, and Matlab.  It uses a Space-based approach, similar to
  JavaSpaces (TM) for example, that makes it easier to write distributed


  NetWorkSpaces Server requires that you have:
      Python version 2.2 or later.
      Twisted 2.1 and Twisted-Web 0.5 or later.
  It is distributed as a Python source distribution, using the standard
  Python distribution utilities.  The full installation instructions are
  in the INSTALL file that is included in the source distribution, but
  here's a quick summary of the "System Installation":

       % tar xzf big-server-x.y.z.tar.gz
       % cd big-server-x.y.z
       % python install

  You'll probably need to use a privileged account to do this.  If you
  don't want to (or can't) do that, you can use some options to install
  into a different location.  To get help on the install options,
  execute the command:

      % python install --help

Starting the NetWorkSpaces server (System Installation)

  To start the NetWorkSpaces server, you can execute it using the twistd
  command, as follows:

      % twistd -ny /etc/nws.tac > nws.log 2>&1 &

  or, if you're using a csh compatible shell:

      % twistd -ny /etc/nws.tac >& nws.log &

  which runs as the current user.  See the twistd man page for more

  To use different ports (as discussed in the Configuration section of
  the INSTALL file), just set the appropriate environment variables
  before executing twistd:

      % NWS_SERVER_PORT=9765; export NWS_SERVER_PORT
      % NWS_WEB_PORT=9766; export NWS_WEB_PORT

  or, if you're using a csh compatible shell:

      % setenv NWS_SERVER_PORT 9765
      % setenv NWS_WEB_PORT 9766

  To shutdown the NetWorkSpaces server, you have to kill it by sending a
  SIGTERM signal at it.  The twistd command creates a file that contains
  the process id of the server, so you can shut it down with the
  following command:

      % kill `cat`
  You could also use the nwsserver command.  Just copy it somewhere in
  your PATH, and execute the following command:

      % nwsserver start

  If you start the NetWorkSpaces server using the nwsserver command,
  you can shut it down using the command:

      % nwsserver stop

  The nwsserver command can be set up for use as an init script on some
  systems, but that is not documented at this time.

Starting the NetWorkSpaces server (Private Installation)

  To start the NetWorkSpaces server with a private installation,
  you can execute it using the twistd command, as follows:

      % twistd -ny $HOME/etc/nws.tac > nws.log 2>&1 &

  or, if you're using a csh compatible shell:

      % twistd -ny $HOME/etc/nws.tac >& nws.log &

  Shutting down is the same as for a system installation:

      % kill `cat`
  You can also use the nwsserver command, which you could copy to a
  directory in your PATH, such as $HOME/bin, and execute as follows:

      % nwsserver start

  and shut it down with:

      % nwsserver stop

Web Interface

  The NetWorkSpaces server includes a builtin web interface that allows
  you to browser the workspaces.  To view from your local machine, open
  the following URL with a web browser:


  or use the appropriate host name if coming from a different machine.


  In order to examine the values of a workspace using the server's web
  interface, you'll usually need to have a babelfish running.  The
  babelfish translates the values into a human readable format.  If a
  value is a string, then the web interface simply displays the contents
  of the string, without any help from a babelfish.  But if the value is
  any other type of object, it needs the help of a babelfish.  For this
  reason, the babelfish are packaged with the client distributions, and
  are not included with the NetWorkSpaces server.  But since the
  babelfish relate to the web interface (which is part of the server),
  it's something that you should be aware of when setting up the server.

Using NetWorkSpaces

  The server alone doesn't really do anything: you need to install one
  of the client packages to actually do something useful with
  NetWorkSpaces.  There are currently client packages available for
  python, R, and Matlab.  See for more
