文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:LARM Proof-of-concept application

=== Prerequisites:
* Java SDK 1.6
* Maven 2
* Eclipse or IDEA

=== Instructions
1. Check out: git clone
2. Install dependencies in your local repo: dependencies/install-dependencies.bat
3. Build everything: mvn install
4. Create IDE project files: mvn eclipse:eclipse or mvn idea:idea
5. Import project into your workspace
   * In Eclipse: File -> Import -> Existing projects into workspace
   * In IDEA: File -> Open Project
6. Start client in 2-tier mode: Run main class no.statnett.larm.poc.client.ApplicationFrame
   * IDEA: Make sure Working Directory is project directory
7. Place EDIEL quotes files in data/ediel/input to have the client read them

1. mvn install builds everything
2. larm-poc-web/target/larm-poc-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-onejar.jar is a complete
   executable jar that can be copied to the deployment server
3. Copy larm-poc-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-onejar.jar to server
4. java -jar larm-poc-server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-onejar.jar
5. Access the service at http://localhost:8080/larm-web/


These tests are normative for development:

* no.statnett.larm.reservekraft.ReservekraftBudListDialogTest describes
  the mapping between the domain and the user interface
* no.statnett.larm.reservekraft.ReservekraftBudSpecificationTest describes
  the mapping between the domain and the database

These files are the starting points for the runtime:

* no.statkraft.larm.poc.web.WebServer
  * Reads configuration, sets up web applications and starts Jetty in test mode
  * The web.xml file specifies servlets for serving the JNLP definition for serving the client jar files and for serving services using Hessian
* no.statnett.larm.poc.LarmPocServer
  * The main class started by the executable jar
  * Reads configuration, sets up web applications and starts Jetty in production mode
* no.statnett.larm.poc.client.ApplicationFrame
  * Locates the server Repository (can be two-tier or three-tier, based on URL)
  * Sets up the client's panels in the application frame

* Run fitnesseMain.FitNesseMain from the larm-fitnesse project, or execute larm-poc/larm-fitnesse/run-fitnesse.bat
* Access FitNesse at http://localhost:8090  


* Import coding-conventions-eclipse.xml under Java -> Code Style -> Formatter (Windows -> Preferences)
* Import cleaup-actions-eclipse.xml under Java -> Code Style -> Clean Up
* Add the following warnings to Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warnings
  * Potential programming problems -> Potential null point access
  * Potential programming problems -> Class overrides equals but not hashCode
  * Unnecessary code -> Parameter is never read
  * Unnecessary code -> Redundant null check
  * Unnecessary code -> Unnecessary cast or 'instanceof' operation
  * Annotations -> Missing @Override annotation
* Avoid ALL compiler warnings
* Use UTF-8 encoding for all files (General -> Workspace, Text file encoding)
