1) Installing the Metadata Exporter ----------------------------------- go to MD_EXPORT_PROJECT_HOME/ant-build $>cd MD_EXPORT_PROJECT_HOME/ant-build $>./build Buildfile: H:\Dev\ecli-workspace\DWD-metadata-transformers\ant-build\build.xml usage: [echo] --------------- mdexp ${version} (${build}) --------------- [echo] [echo] available targets are:" [echo] [echo] build --> compile the source code [echo] install [-Dout=\"output dir\" (default=/tmp/md-export) --> install into /tmp/mdexp-export [echo] build-bin-tarball [-Dout=\"output dir\"] --> build binary tarball distribution [echo] build-src-tarball [-Dout=\"output dir\"] --> build src tarball distribution [echo] validation-tests --> run the validation tests suite [echo] clean --> clean up the build directory [echo] clean-all --> clean up build and tarball dirs [echo] usage --> this help page ... [echo] [echo] See the comments inside the build.xml file for more details. [echo] BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second 1.1) Build Source tarball ------------------------- $>./build build-src-tarball -Dout=/tmp/mysources Create a tarball of the project 1.2) Build binary tarball ------------------------- Create a binary tarball that can be deployed on any unix (cygwin) machine. $>./build build-bin-tarball -Dout=/tmp/binary-dists 1.4) Run the Validation Tests ----------------------------- $>./build validation-tests Buildfile: H:\Dev\ecli-workspace\DWD-metadata-transformers\ant-build\build.xml _init: _compile-classes: [javac] Compiling 17 source files to H:\Dev\ecli-workspace\DWD-metadata-transformers\build\classes validation-tests: [junit] Project dir = H:\Dev\ecli-workspace\DWD-metadata-transformers\ant-build\.. [junit] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.eumetsat.dcpc.md.export.ReleaseDatabase). [junit] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. [junit] log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info. [junit] ********** Create Export from R1: (add 10 files) ********** [junit] ********** Create Export from R2: (delete 5 files) ********** [junit] ********** Create Export from R3: (modify 1 file) ********** [junit] ********** Create Export from R4: (add 5 files, modify 1) ********** [junit] ********** Create Export from R5: (back to previous version) ********** [junit] ********** Create Export from R6: (no changes) ********** [junit] ********** Create Export from R7: (delete 10 files to empty DB) ********** [junit] ********** ERASE **************** [junit] ********** Create Export from eo portal source (359 files) ********** [junit] ********** Create Second Export (empty database) ********** BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 minute 03 seconds 1.3) Deploy application in a given dir $>./build install (to deploy the application in a given dir) Buildfile: H:\Dev\ecli-workspace\DWD-metadata-transformers\ant-build\build.xml install: [echo] install into /tmp/ins-md-exporter _init: _compile-classes: [javac] Compiling 17 source files to H:\Dev\ecli-workspace\DWD-metadata-transformers\build\classes _mdexp-export-jar: [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\commons\Checksummer.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\commons\DateUtil.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\commons\FileSystem.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\commons\Pair.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\commons\XmlPrettyPrinter.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\commons\xml\SimpleNamespaceContext.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\commons\xml\XMLInjector.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\commons\xml\XPathExtractor.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\CMDRunner.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\MetadataExporter$1.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\MetadataExporter.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\MetadataFileRenamer$1.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\MetadataFileRenamer.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\Release$1.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\Release$2.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\Release$3.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\Release$4.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\Release$5.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\Release$6.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\Release.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\ReleaseDatabase$1.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\ReleaseDatabase.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\XsltProcessor$1.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\export\XsltProcessor.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\test\CMDRunnerTestSuite.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\test\MetadataExporterUnitTestSuite.class modified in the future. [jar] Warning: org\eumetsat\dcpc\md\test\MetadataExporterValidationSuite.class modified in the future. [jar] Building jar: H:\Dev\ecli-workspace\DWD-metadata-transformers\build\lib\mdexp-export.jar _build-distrib: [copy] Copying 1 file to H:\tmp\ins-md-exporter\conf [copy] Copying 1 file to H:\tmp\ins-md-exporter\xslt [copy] Copying 1 file to H:\tmp\ins-md-exporter\bin [copy] Warning: mdexp-export.jar modified in the future. [copy] Copying 10 files to H:\tmp\ins-md-exporter\lib [copy] Copying 10 files to H:\tmp\ins-md-exporter\test BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 8 seconds