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资源说明:LiquidPlanner's Online Project Management Ruby API
# LiquidPlanner Ruby Gem

The LiquidPlanner ruby gem provides a simple way to access LiquidPlanner's API. The [examples directory]( demonstrates how to perform some common tasks with this gem.

## Documentation

- [LiquidPlanner API Guide](
- [Developer Resources](
- [Developer Forum](

## Installation

The LiquidPlanner API client can be installed with Rubygems or Bundler.

### Rubygems

gem install liquidplanner

### Bundler

Add to your Gemfile and run `bundle install`

``` ruby
gem 'liquidplanner'

### Dependencies

- `activeresource >= 4.0.0`
- `activesupport >= 4.0.0`
- `multipart-post >= 1.0.1`

## Usage

Please refer to our [API Guide]( for a full list of endpoints, resources, and attributes. Additional examples are located in this repository's [examples directory](

This gem accesses the LiquidPlanner API via ActiveResource. Please read the [ActiveResource documentation]( for additional usage details.

### Create a client and connect

``` ruby
lp = => email, :password => password)
account = lp.account # 

### Workspaces

``` ruby
lp.workspaces    # [, ]
lp.workspaces(7) # Access workspace by ID

### Tasks

``` ruby
workspace = lp.workspaces(7)                                      # Access workspace by ID
tasks     = workspace.tasks                                       # List all tasks
my_tasks  = workspace.tasks(:all, :filter => 'owner_id = me')     # Use a filter
new_task  = workspace.create_task(:name => 'Learn API')           # Create and save a new task

my_tasks.each do |task|                                           # Task details
  puts "Name: #{}"
  if task.is_done
    puts "Completed on: #{task.done_on.to_date}"
    puts "Expected finish date: #{task.expected_finish.to_date}"

### Custom Fields

``` ruby
workspace = lp.workspaces(7)                            # Access workspace by ID

# List custom fields
custom_fields = workspace.custom_fields(:all)           # List all custom fields for workspace
custom_fields.each do |custom_field|
  puts "Category: #{custom_field.category}"             # Custom field attributes
  puts "Name:     #{}"
  custom_field.values.each do |custom_field_value|      # Custom field values
    puts "ID:         #{}"
    puts "Label:      #{custom_field_value.label}"
    puts "Type:       #{custom_field_value.type}"
    puts "Sort order: #{custom_field_value.sort_order}"

# Update a custom field value
custom_field = workspace.custom_fields(:first) # Access the first custom field
task = workspace.tasks(:first)                 # Access the first task

task.custom_field_values = { => custom_field.values.first.label }

### Time Tracking

``` ruby
workspace = lp.workspaces(7)                # Access workspace by ID

task = workspace.tasks(                     # Get my first unfinished task
  :filter => ['owner_id = me', 'is_done is false']

  :work        => 4,                        # Log 4 hours of work 
  :activity_id =>

## Development

1. Fork this project
2. Make changes
3. Add tests for your changes
4. Commit
5. Submit a pull request
