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资源说明:A fully working Demo App for PinkelStar (except for 3 steps)
PinkelStar Demo App Instructions

Assuming you are using Eclipse and you have set up an Android project before*, there are five steps to take in order to run the PinkelStar Android Demo App:

#### 1. Clone this demo project and the Android UI project in a directory:
    git clone git://
    git clone PinkelStarAndroidUI
#### 2. Import the cloned repos 'pinkelstar-android-demo' and 'PinkelStarAndroidUI'  project into Eclipse:
    File > Import > "Existing Projects into Workspace"

#### 3. Register a mobile app on PinkelStar ( and you MUST add an icon for your app here (can be changed later)

#### 4. Add your key and secret to the `pinkelstar.xml` file in the `res/xml directory`:
    pinkelstar-android-demo > res > xml > pinkelstar.xml
#### 5. Hit the play button to run the demo

Please post your questions to the [support forum]( and we will answer ASAP.

Happy Coding,

The PinkelStar Team

Side Note:

To enable logging, open a shell using the adb tool and set the logging level to VERBOSE like so `setprop log.tag.PinkelStar VERBOSE`.

Log messages tagged with 'PinkelStar' will be shown in the logcat output.

If you are using eclipse, you can also set `-prop log.tag.PinkelStar=VERBOSE` to the 'additional emulator command line options' field on the 'target' tab of the run configuration of your app.

(*) If not, follow the instruction provided here:
