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资源说明:A working Asset Factory Plugin project which allows for specifying any combination of metadata fields and/or data definition fields as the basis for auto-generated Page names.
Author: Brent Arrington
Version: 0.2
Version History:
		- 0.1 Initial Version
		- 0.2 Updating instructions for importing project, exporting JAR file, and incorporating into a Cascade instance

This is a fully functional Eclipse project generating a custom Asset Factory Plug-in which allows Cascade 
users to specify any combination of metadata fields (wired or dynamic) and/or Data Definition fields as the 
basis for an auto-generated system name for Page assets.  For Data Definition (structured data) fields, the 
plugin supports: text fields, text areas, check boxes, multi-selects, drop-down menus, radio buttons, 
calendar and date/time fields.  For multi-select and check box fields (which may contain multiple values) all 
selected values for the field will be concatenated.  For calendar and date/time fields values will be 
formatted as "yyyy-mm-dd".

This article assumes you have the latest Java Runtime Enviornment (JRE) installed on your machine (required 
by Eclipse). The JRE must be version 1.5 or later.

Collecting the tools:
Before you get started, you should collect the tools you need to compile and export this plugin. Please 
download the following two items:

Eclipse IDE (
Page-field-to-system-name-plugin Project (this project)

Installing Eclipse and Opening the Project:
Once you download Eclipse you will want to unzip it to a directory of your choosing (suggestions: 
c:\java\eclipse or c:\Program Files\Eclipse on Windows, /usr/local/eclipse on Linux, 
or ~/java/eclipse on OS X). Start Eclipse and you will be prompted to choose a workspace location - the 
default location should suffice. Make note of it as this is the location to which we will unzip the Project.

Next, you will unzip the Project ZIP file to your workspace directory. The zip should create it's own 
directory inside your workspace directory.

Finally we will bring the Plugin Project into Eclipse. To do this, right click in the package explorer view 
on the left hand side and select "Import...". Then, select "Existing Projects into Workspace" under "General" 
and click "Next". Select "Browse" next to "Select root directory:" and browse to the directory created when 
you unzipped the SDK. You should then see "Asset Factory Plugin" under "Projects". Click "Finish".

Generating JAR File and Importing into Cascade:
First, create a JAR file containing this plug-in file and the resource bundle(s) it references. To do this, 
right click on your project in the Package Explorer (left hand side) in Eclipse and select "Export...". Under 
the "Java" section, select JAR file and click "Next". Next you will be prompted as to which files to include. 
Ensure the project parent folder is checked and expand the project parent folder in the window to the left. 
The checkbox next to the "src" and "doc" folders should be left unchecked while "src/java" should be checked. 
If you click on your project parent folder, you will see on the right-hand side that other files, such as 
".classpath" and ".project" are included, which are unnecessary and should be unchecked so they are not 
included in the JAR. The rest of the default options should be fine (only things checked are "Export 
generated class files and resources" and "Compress the contents of the JAR file"). Under "Select the export 
destination:", select where the JAR file will be temporarily placed before deployment to Cascade Server. 
Click Finish.

To deploy the plug-in JAR, first you must shut down Cascade Server. Next, locate the JAR file and place this 
file in /webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib folder. JAR files placed in this location 
are automatically loaded along with other libraries needed by Cascade Server. Once you have done this, start 
Cascade Server and from the Global area, go to the Asset Factory section in the Administration area and 
select Manage Plugins. In the "Add a Plugin" text field, enter the fully qualified Java class name of this 
plug-in ("com.hannonhill.cascade.plugin.PageFieldsToSystemNamePlugin") and click Submit. The plug-in will 
then be added and will be accessible in the "Plug-ins" tab when editing an Asset Factory.
