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资源说明:A skeleton for new symfony 1.x projects
# symfony1-skeleton

A skeleton for new symfony1 projects.

### Features

* [Apache Ant]( build file
  * defaults for [HudsonCI]( integration
  * targets for symfony operation
  * **release** target for Hudson's [Release Plugin](
* script for displaying project information in dev/staging environments
* special symfony library include file for working in different environments

## Creating a New Project

The following are my recommended instructions for creating a new project
based on this skeleton.

### Step 1 - Clone this repository

Clone symfony1-skeleton repo locally (do not fork for new projects)

    git clone [project-name]

### Step 2 - Setup your project

Delete .git folder

    rm -rf .git

Clear out ````

Open ``config/properties.ini`` - set your project information

Open ``build.xml`` and update ``dispatch();

require_once 'info.php';

## build.xml

This skeleton comes with an Apache Ant ``build.xml`` file that includes some
useful *targets*.  Make sure you have Apache Ant installed or use an IDE like
[Netbeans](  Additional comments are in the ``build.xml`` file.

* ``symfony.dir``: creates directories in your project required by symfony
* ``symfony.lib.embed``: checks out the symfony library to ``lib/vendor/symfony``
* ``symfony.lib.shared``: adds a shared symfony library to ``config/include.php``
* ``symfony.clearcache``: calls ``symfony cc``
* ``symfony.permissions``: calls ``symfony project:permissions``
* ``symfony.plugins``: installation of 3rd party plugins
* ``project.config``: any configuration to be run on CI server (ie. load fixtures)
* ``project.test``: runs your project's test suite

There are some additional targets that are intended for you CI server.

## Hudson CI setup

The included Apache Ant build script integrates nicely into Hudson.  There are
predefined build and release targets.

**build**: cleans up the workspace, runs your test suite and outputs the
current build number to ``./BUILD_NUMBER``.

**release**: Utilizes the Hudson *Release Plugin* to git tag a release.

#### Requirements:

* [Hudson CI](
* [Git Plugin](
* [Release Plugin]( (optional)

### Instructions

1. Add a new Job and configure
2. Source Code Management -> Git
    * Set *URL of repository*
    * *Branch Specifier*: ``master``
    * Click *Advanced...*
    * *Checkout/merge to local branch*: ``master``
3. Add Build Step -> Invoke Ant
    * *Targets*: ``build``
4. (optional) Build Environment -> Configure release build
5. (optional) Post-Build Actions -> Git Publisher
    * *Push Only If Build Succeeds*
    * *Add branch*
    * *Branch to push*: ``latest-stable``
    * *Target remote name*: ``origin``
6. Invoke initial build!

*Step 4 requires Release Plugin*

*Step 5 creates a *latest-stable* branch in your git repository*
