文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
* Import the project into your eclipse workspace
* Choose "Build Jar" from the "External Tools" drop-down

1. Single User Version:
    $ ./run-nompi.sh
    You may specify the following parametrs on the command line:
    -Dspeed=factor:     Speed factor for this simulation: e.g. 0.1 (ten times
                        slower) or 2.0 (two times faster)
    -Dseed=integer:     Random seed: e.g. 1234
    -Dloglevel=name:    Name of log4j loglevel: e.g. -Dloglevel=debug

2. P2PMPI Version

* Adapt lib/p2pmpi/P2P-MPI.conf to your needs
* Setup your environment (the source command will export P2PMPI_HOME and will
  put p2pmpi into your PATH):
    $ source ./setup-mpi.sh
* Start supernode and mpi node if necessary:
    $ runSuperNode
    $ mpiboot
* Run mpi version:
    $ ./run-mpi.sh
    You may specify the following parametrs on the command line:
    -Dspeed=factor:     Speed factor for this simulation: e.g. 0.1 (ten times
                        slower) or 2.0 (two times faster)
    -Dseed=integer:     Random seed: e.g. 1234
    -Dloglevel=name:    Name of log4j loglevel: e.g. -Dloglevel=debug
    -Dtqsize=duration:  Length in milliseconds for GVT time quantum

Both, the single and multi user versions accept the "-d" switch on the command
line, producing tons of debug output.

* Download mockito-all-1.8.5.jar from http://mockito.org/ and place the jar
  into lib/ext. Use eclipse to run the unit tests

* Download UmlGraph-5.4.jar from http://www.umlgraph.org/ and place it into
  lib/ext. Use "ant -f deism-build-javadoc.xml" to build the documentation.
* You find the generated documentation in:
