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资源说明:A set of tools and guidelines for converting open data.
The Open Data Grab Kit is a set of tools and guidelines for converting open data.

To convert data in formats such as CSV files to triples we often have to go through a number of repeatable steps. This project aims to capture those steps in a highly visible way so that the steps can be shared and discussed.


To use the Open Data Grab Kit templates:

1. Download the updated version of XLWrap from:

2. Change to the XLWrap directory. For example:

  cd ~/workspace/xlwrap

3. Launch the XLWrap server with a reference to an ODGK configuration file. For example, if you've placed the ODGK in a directory alongside XLWrap, and you want to use the local authority spend data templates, you would run this command:

  bin/server -c ../open-data-grab-kit/lasd/config.ttl

4. A SNORQL front-end on the triples will now be available from:


5. Click 'Classes' on the right-hand side and ensure that the query returns datasets, payments, organisations and so on. Also note that the terminal window should display logging information as the query is executed.


If you find the kit useful for processing some public data why not submit your template for inclusion? Similarly, if you think some of the templates can be improved then make sure your views are heard.

The forum for discussing anything to do with the Grab Kit is here:
