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资源说明:MySQL dumper

Copyright (C) 2011  Kain Winterheart 

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see .

== WHAT'S IN ==

acDumper is an open-source MySQL dumper software.
It's written both for Linux and Windows(R) and must be free.

acDumper uses:
    mysqlclient / mysql libraries for accessing database
    rudeconfig library for reading/writing configuration files
    pcrecpp for things regexps is used for
    zlib for compressing dump files
    pthread SUDDENLY for threading ^^
and of cource to compile it you need developer version of these libraries.

In "win32" directory you can find headers and libs you need to compile
acDumper on Windows(R) and in "win32-binaries" are dlls you need to run
the program.

In "workspaces" you can find workspace setting for Eclipse(R) both
for Linux and Windows(R).

Each backup made by acDumper will be packed in .zlb archive. If you
have no software to use .zlb files - you can download acZLibTool and
use it for unpacking dump files. acZLibTool is free tool and can be 
found here: 

Also if you're on Windows(R) - you may want to use an acDumperAgent
to track which tasks is running now, see if your "jobtime" settings
are written properly and of course start/stop acDumper. acDumperAgent
is also a free tool, it requires Microsoft(R) .Net(R)Framework(R) 3.5(R).
You can get acDumperAgent here:


acDumper uses two config files: acDumper.conf and acDumperTasks.conf
Examples of these files can be found here with .dist file extension,
you must fill both of this files with proper info.

    This file is used for storing acDumper settings. There's three
    sections: main, linux and win32. Next I'll describe availible options:

    [main] -		 Must be filled both on Linux and Windows(R).

	maxThreads -	 maximum tasks that can be runned simultaneously.
			 You can use 0 for unlimited, but don't forget that
			 1000 tasks started in the same minute can ruin
			 your PC.

	logFile -	 path to program log file; optional: if it's not
			 defined - there will be no logging. Also used only
			 in daemon mode for Linux and everytime on Windows(R).

    [linux] -		 Only if you running acDumper on Linux.

	daemonize -	 if 1 - acDumper will be daemon, if 0 - it'll be
			 just console app. If not specified - acDumper
			 will run as daemon.

    [win32] -		 Well, yeah, only for Windows(R).

	connectionFile - path to file that will be used by acDumperAgent
			 for sending commands to acDumper. If it's not
			 defined - no connection file will be created and
			 acDumperAgent can't kill acDumper. If you don't
			 using acDumperAgent - feel free to erase this

    This file used for storing information about acDumper' tasks. If you'll
    set a wrong value to any field in task' setting - it just won't be
    executed. Each task has following options:

    username -	database username; necessary option.

    password -	database password; necessary option.

    server -	database server address; necessary option.

    database -	database name; necessary option.

    port -	database port; optional: if not specified or 0 - will be
		used standard MySQL port which is 3306.

    outdir -	path for storing dumps; necessary option and better not to
		be a relative path.

    encoding -	value that will be passed to "SET NAMES ''" query.
		If not defined - will be used "utf-8", if defined incorrectly -
		you will got garbage in your dumps or just segfaults/access
		violations. Choose wisely!

    jobtime -	time for job execution; necessary option. Scheduling must be
		written in cronjob format. Actually, it's kinda "simplified cron"
		here: it's also five bits, but availible values slightly differs.
		Let's see, we have five-bits jobtime format: * * * * *
		Describing each bit (star) in jobtime from left to right you'll
		    days (or days of month)
		    days of week
		Let's take a closer look on each field.
		    minutes (first star, first from the left):
			if it's just a * (star symbol) - it signalises acDumper
			that this task must be runned every minute (well, it rescans
			task list file every minute so if you'll have a jobtime
			"* * * * *" - it will be executed every minute). If you
			specified a value (i.e. "7 * * * *") - such task will be
			executed every 07 minute of every hour of every day of
			every month (0:07, next 1:07, next 2:07 and so on). If
			you want an interval - you must specify a minute value to
			look like "*/13 * * * *" - this line means that such task
			will be executed every 13 minutes (i.e. if acDumper has
			been launched at 5:27 - first launch of this task will be
			immediately after launch (in 5:27), next run of such task
			will be in 5:27 + 0:13 = 5:40, next in 5:53 and so on).

		    hours (second star from the left):
			works like a minutes' star (look above), but there's only
			one difference: if you'll specify hours like just * (star
			symbol) - hours value will be ignored at all. How it works:
			jobtime like "* 2 * * *" will be executed every minute if
			it's 2 o'clock (i.e. 2:00, 2:01, 2:03, ...). If it's
			"5 7 * * *" - task will be executed once a day in 7:05. If
			it's "* */12 * * *" - task will be executed every 12 hours,
			and if it's "*/17 */3 * * *" so such task will be executed
			every 3 hours and 17 minutes (or (3*60)+17 = every 197
			minutes). Also "*/9 7 * * *" will execute our task every
			nine minutes in seven o'clock.
		    days (or days of month) (third from the left and middle star):
			works just like a hours. Note that "* * 21 * *" means
			"each 21th of the month", but "* * */21 * *" means "every
			21 days = every (21*24) hours = every (21*24*60) minutes".

		    months (fourth star from the left):
			work exactly like days, just note that it's months. :)

		    days of week (last star, fifth from the left and first from the 
			Can be * (star symbol) or can be a three-letter abbreviation
			of the weekday. Availible values:
			    Mon - run task only if it's monday
			    Tue - only on tuesdays
			    Wed - only on wednesdays
			    Thu - thursdays
			    Fri - fridays
			    Sat - saturdays
			    Sun - and only on sundays
			    *	- just ignore this field
			I.e. "30 3 * */1 Wed" - run task every month on 3:30 of each
			wednesday. This value is case-sensitive, so if it's like in
			example ("30 3 * */1 Wed") - this task will be executed
			normally, but task with jobtime="30 3 * */1 wed" won't be
			executed ever.

    status -	this field will be added automatically by acDumper and used for
		marking tasks as active/completed and storing time of last execution.
		Don't mind about this field, but if you have a problem with one of
		your tasks - try to delete "status" field of your task' settings.

    alias -	used for linking tasks' settings together. In example if you have
		a task set up with all fields filled with proper values and then
		you need to dump another database from same server and with same
		credentials - you can add a new task just with a different name,
		"database" and "jobtime" fields and an "alias" field pointing to
		name of the task that has been set up previously.


In (R) we trust. AMIRITE?

== END ==
