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资源说明:Continuous integration tool written in Perl 5.
    Reksio - Continuous Integration and Testing Server

     # Process current work and quit:
     reksio_dispatch --single

     # Monitor repositories, run builds and generate reports as needed, in the background.
     reksio_dispatch &

    Reksio aims to monitor predefined list of software repositories (VCS,
    DVCS as well as tar/zip archives), checkout and build new versions as
    they become available, providing feedback about the build process and
    it's results.

    By doing continuous integration and testing it saves developer's time
    and improves stability and quality.

    Final goal for the project is to support large - in terms of complexity
    and people involved - projects, both open source and commercial.

    Reksio is distributed as a standard *Module::Build* based archive.

    Please download the latest stable release, and run the following:

     tar xzf Reksio-x.y.z.tar.gz
     cd Reksio-x.y.z.tar.gz
     ./Build test
     ./Build install

    Test step is optional, but recommended. It will ensure, that Reksio
    works correctly on your system/architecture. If this step fails, please
    contact the Author.

    Currently Reksio is known to work on Linux, will probably run on any
    *NIX system, and will probably fail on Windows.

    Windows support is planned for future.

    At this moment, there was no demand for the module to be available
    trough CPAN. If you would like it to be available there, please email
    the Author.

  Basic server setup
    Server will look for it's basic configuration file in the following


    Basic configuration file is a YAML-serialized hash with configuration
    options. Different functionality requires different options, thus there
    is not a single set of requirements. However, since unused options are
    ignored, it is better so provide to much, then too little information.

    Example configuration file is shown bellow.

     workspace:     "/home/reksio/workspace/"
     build_results: "/home/reksio/buildlogs/"
     users_file:    "/home/reksio/users.yaml"
     db:            "sqlite:/home/reksio/reksio.sqlite"

    Please note, that the directories have to exist (please create them).

    You must also prepare an SQL database for Reksio to use.

    Once the server is configured, you can prepare database for it to use.

  Setting up database
    Reksio can use virtually any Database supported by Perl trough the DBI

    It is known to work with SQLite version 3.7.0 and above.

    At this stage, Database has to be initialized using tools provided by
    the DB. SQL structure is provided to ease the task. Please create an
    empty (with no tables/indexes/etc) database, and initialize it by
    importing provided structure.sql file.

    Please refer to your Database's manual, to check how to import this

    As an example, to initialize an SQLite database, please run the
    following command:

     $ sqlite3 -init data/sql/v0.1/structure.sql database.sqlite '/* */'

    Once the DB is set-up, you can set-up Repositories.

  Repository setup
    Please add reposotories that you like Reksio to watch for using the
    *reksio_add_repository* command.

    Once repository is added, you can define Builds.

  Build setup
    Add builds using the *reksio_add_build* command.

    Each repository may have one, or more builds defined in it.

    Builds can not be shared, but more then one repository can have
    identically configured Build.

    Note, that Reksio will start watching a reposotory only, if it has

  Test setup
    Reksio understands Perl's native TAP protocol.

    Example test commands:

     prove t/
        # Run all tests from 't' directory.

     prove -j 2 t/* t/*/*/
        # Run tests from 't' and it's sub-directories, up to two in parallel.

    See prove for more details how to use the Test harness.

    Support for parsing JUnit-based output is planed for future.

  Setting up contact information
    Reksio needs contact information to be provided to him, in order to be
    able to send reports to correct email adresses.

    To do this, provide a "Users file", that is a YAML-serialized data
    structure, containing VCS ID to User to Email mapping. See the example

      "Bartek S.":
        - bs
        - bs502
        - bs5002
        - natanael
        - "Bartłomiej Syguła"
        - auto

    Note: this mechanizm is a temporal maesure. In future versions, this
    information will be incorporated into the main DB.

  Starting the server
    Reksio supports two ways, in which it can operate.

    Running in the background as server
        Reksio can continously watch for new commits/archives and build
        those, as needed.

        For this to work, leave *reksio_dispatch* running in the background,
        for example, by running:

         reksio_dispatch > reksio.log 2>&1 &

        This is the recommended way of using *reksio_dispatch*.

        Tip: Another way of putting processes into background, is to run
        them in *screen*.

    Running from cron
        You can configure the *cron* scheduled to run *reksio_dispatch
        --single* command at times most conveneient for your environment.

        This allows, for example, to check for updateds more ofted during
        the day, and less ofted during the night.

        Please provide long-enough (this depends on the server speed,
        repository size, etc) delays for one dispatch/build/test/report run
        to finish, before the next one starts.

        Example *crontab* entry, that runs dispatch process once per hour,
        is bellow:

         10  *  * * *  reksio  reksio_dispatch --single

    The following documentation is also awailable:

    Shell commands reference
        See Reksio::Cmd.

    Software repositories support
        See: Reksio::VCS.

    Internal API reference
        See Reksio::API.

    Testing and QA
        See Reksio::Test.

    Reksio development follows three major Agile guidelines: release
    quickly, release often, every release gives the User some visible

    Quality and maintenability is an important aspect for the project. To
    ensure that, Reksio watches over it's own codebase since first public
    release. Automated test suit covers more then 95% of the codebase.

    Knowing that Perl has reputation of being hard-to-read language, We
    follow many PerlCritic rules, to ensure that the code remains readable,
    and complemented by extensive documentation.

    Copyright (C) 2011 Bartłomiej /Natanael/ Syguła

    This is free software. It is licensed, and can be distributed under the
    same terms as Perl itself.

    More information on: 
