文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Computer Science Project for Intro to Software Engineering
How to run the program:

1. Download and install the eclipse-jdt library, if you do not already have it installed..
2. Download and install sun's java6 jdk, if you do not already have it installed.
3. Open up eclipse, select any workspace, and go to File -> Import.
    a) Click on General -> Existing Projects into Workspace, and then click next.
    b) Under Select root directory, type in the path, or click Browse, and select the Project360 directory.
    c) Click Finish.
4. To run the project, have open the file, and click Run -> Run as -> Java Applet.  Alternatively, you can click the green Play button, as long as you have the project open.
5. The default username and password for a recruiter is 'r','r' (respectively).  Usernames and passwords are both case-sensitive.

Alternatively, the code could be manually compiled using only the JDK's 'javac' command
and run using the appletviewer program provided in the JDK.
