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This project utilizes the Texas Instruments ez430-RF2500 Wireless Development 
Tool to perform wireless data logging of 6 ADC inputs at configurable sample 
rates of up to 1.78kHz. The project was developed using IAR Embedded Workbench
kickstart edition version 5.20.

The wireless data logging system contains three components: 
1) Wireless end device - eZ430-RF2500 board that does the data acquisition. When
triggered by the onboard button or a signal from the python data logging program,
this device will acquire data from 6 ADC inputs and store the data in flash 
memory until the memory is filled. When the flash memory is full, the device will wirelessly send the data to the access point which forwards it on to the python 
data logging program.

2) Wireless access point - eZ430-RF2500 board that acts as an information relay 
between the wireless end device and the computer. It is plugged in to the ez430 
USB adapter and communicates with the computer through a virtual serial port.

3) Python data logging program (on computer) - This program provides a graphical
interface in which you are able to view/save capture data and trigger the start
of a data acquisition sequence. Raw data can be saved to a file in comma
separated value format. This program requires python 2.7, pySerial 2.5, 
matplotlib, and wxPython.

Quick tutorial on how to get the project up and running:
1)  Download all the files in the git repository to your local machine.
2)  Open 6ADC_toFlash_Bidirectional.eww in IAR workbench.
3)  Plug in the eZ430-RF2500 USB programmer into your computer with a target board
4)  In the "workspace" window of IAR, select "End Device" from the drop down 
    list. Then select "Make" from the "Project" menu. Download the application
    into the eZ430-RF2500 by selecting Download->Download Active Application
    from the the "Project" menu. Now the target board is loaded with the end
    device program.
5)  Unplug the end device target board from the USB programmer and replace it 
    with a blank eZ430-RF2500 target board. In the "workspace" window of IAR, 
    select "Access Point". Make the project and download the application into
    the target board.
6)  Exit IAR workbench.
7)  Verify that you have all the pre-requisite python modules installed.
8)  Run readADCvaluesWithVis_v1_4.py
9)  Enter the serial port that the eZ430 USB is using.
10) Press the "Start ADC" button in the MSP430 ADC Value Plotter window and wait
    for data to start appearing on the plot. The LEDs on the end device should 
    blink at half the sampling rate while data is being sampled.

To vary the sampling rate, adjust TACCR0 in the main_ED.c file.
// 6 = 1.78 kHz
// 8 = 1.37 kHz
// 10 = 1.12 kHz
// 12 = 943 Hz
// 14 = 819 Hz
// 16 = 735 Hz
// 18 = 653 Hz
// 19 = 621 Hz
// 20 = 591 Hz
