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资源说明:posts clipboard to twitter
cliptwit - post the clipboard to twitter

I use cliptwit to post the contents of my clipboard to twitter ever hour from 9-5. In addition to the short python script, this requires the tweepy python library and a cron task.

Note that this only works on linux, and that I have only tested on Ubuntu 10.04. Clipboard access would work differently on windows, and windows doesn't come with cron.

Installing *tweepy*

Follow [these instructions](, also mentioned in the authentication howto link.

Authenticating with twitter

1. Follow the steps [here]( to grant access to your account
1. Copy `` to ``
1. Enter the {consumer, access} {keys, secrets} in; be sure not to check this in

Setting the cron

Mine looks like:

    00 09-17 * * *		DISPLAY=:0 /workspace/cliptwit/

A good cron reference is [here](, and most importantly, *[this link](* explains why you need `DISPLAY=:0`, and why cron won't work with X without it.
