文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Core software for iRobot Create
++++++ How to Start using github ++++++
Instructions on how to start using github
	1. Install git
	2. Open up git bash (or just use your linux terminal)
*	The following is to CONFIGURE YOUR SSH KEYS.
*	It is found under the setup link above

	3. Change directory to your ssh
		$ cd ~/.ssh
	4. Check to see if you have id_rsa existed.
		$ ls
		(if you do make a directory and back up those keys.)
			$ mkdir key_backup
			$ cp id_rsa* key_backup
			$ rm id_rsa*
	5. Generate a new SSH key.
		$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
		It should generate a new key for you in that directory.
	6. Add your SSH key to GitHub.
		On the GitHub site Click �Account Settings� > Click �SSH Public Keys� > Click �Add another public key�

		Open the file with a text editor 
		(Notepad or TextEdit will do just fine). 
		This is your public SSH key. You may need 
		turn on �view hidden files� to find it because
		the .ssh directory is hidden. It�s important 
		you copy your SSH key exactly as it is written
		without adding any newlines or whitespace. Now
		paste it into the �Key� field.
*	The following is to SETUP YOUR INFO
*	It is found under the setup link above

	7. Configure your username and email:
		$ git config --global "YourName"
		$ git config --global ""
	8. Get your API Token
		$ git config --global github.user username 
		Sets the GitHub username for all git instances on the system		
		$ git config --global github.token 0123456789yourf0123456789token
++++++ How to grab a repository ++++++
*	The following is to FORK A REPO
*	It is found in .
*	This lets you work on your own copy without damaging
*	the master copy.
	1. Make a directory
		$ mkdir workspace
		$ cd workspace
	2. Initialize this folder with git
		$ git init
	3. Go to and click on "fork".  
		it should take you to:*YOURUSERNAME*/core to indicate that you
		have made a copy of seeyousystem's core to YOUR OWN core.
	4. Clone this repository to your computer to start working with.
		$ git clone*YOURUSERNAME*/core.git
	5. Create a remote for your master (the repository you forked from). Call it "upstream".
		$ git remote add upstream
	6. fetch (update) your upstraem.
		$ git fetch upstream
	You should now be able to edit your files.  
++++++ How to commit (reflect your local changes) to github ++++++
Instructions based off of
	1. Change directory to root.
		$ cd ~/.ssh/core/
	2. Initialize git to this directory.
		$ git init
	3. Mark all files under current directory to be committed.
		$ git add .
		(if you want to mark just one file, just do "$ git add ")
	4. Commit the files to create a new revision.
		$ git commit -m "this is your commit message"
	5. Push out the changes to repository.
		$ git push origin master

to update your files on your computer:
		$ git pull origin master
to discard your changes (revert back to your last pulled revision):
		$ git checkout  -- 

<<<<<<< HEAD

Vernon was here.



++++++ How to Merge seeyousystems/core and YOURUSERNAME/core (upstream and master)++++++
Instructions based off of
	1. Fetch any new changes from the original repo (upstream)
		$ git fetch upstream
	2. Try to merge the original (upstream) with your fork (master)
		$ git merge upstream/master
	3. push the changes to your github
		$ git push origin master
	If you encounter problems here, try the following:
	1. Checking differences:
		$ git diff HEAD..upstream/master
	2. Add the changed files to commit.
		$ git add 
	3. commit
		$ git commit -m "message"
	4. Try to merge again above.
		$ git merge upstream/master
	5. push
		$git push origin master
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