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资源说明:FreeMind Hacks for better SCM support
What is Freemind ?

FreeMind is my favorite 'notebook', I can not live without it.
Everyday writting and searching using FreeMind.


What is Freemind-MMX ?


Why Hacked FreeMind ?

Because it scratch my personal itch.

* Output of Chinese characters are encoded as XML entities, such as &#xxx;.
  Which can not be easily recognized. Compare different revisions is hard
  if all native characters are encoded like that.

* FreeMind save some node status as attributes in .mm files, and some of
  them have nothing to do with the real contents. These attributes make
  FreeMind document hard to be version controlled.

* For example, node is fold or unfold is saved in FOLDED attribute.
  Once no contents changed but only some nodes changed its fold status,
  the output .mm file changed. This cause unnecessarily commits to
  version control system.

* Some attributes such as node create time, modified time is already
  managed by version control system, so there are no needs to save
  these attributes to mindmaps. 

FreeMind is open source, makes the customization/hacking possible.

Build from source

Good news is Freemind no longer use CVS, and migrated to Git at 2011.2.
Bad news is the Freemind repository is too big to upload to Github.

So for such big repository, I decide to contribute my hacks in another way.

1. The official FreeMind repository:


2. The manifest repository:

3. The FreeMind hacks repository:

To build FreeMind-MMX from these repositories, you need 'repo' from
Android project, or from my custom version.

1. Download repo bootstrap.


     $ curl -L -k > /usr/local/bin/repo

2. Repo init from manifest repository.


     $ mkdir workspace
     $ cd workspace
     $ repo init -u git://

3. Sync the other two repositories. Be patient.


     $ repo sync

4. After sync the repositories, there is a script ''. Just run it.


     $ sh

5. Binary packages are under 'post' folder after build.
