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资源说明:Access Point Name Utility For Test, allows for the programmatic control of connectivity on an android phone
apnuft (Access Point Name Utility For Test) 

apnuft is a standalone android application, the main work horse behind apnuft is a service which receives IPC (inter process communication) messages from a client (test project) with instructions to enable and disable connectivity.

apnuft functions as a standalone application so it is as unobtrusive as possible on the test project and application under tests, 
No permissions or application components need to be added to the test project or application under test

Instructions for use:

- Import the project into your eclipse workspace or install apk file 

- Include this code to switch connectivity on 

mContext.bindService(new Intent(
        mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
Message message = Message.obtain(null, 3, 4, 0);

- Include this code to switch connectivity off 

mContext.bindService(new Intent(
                mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
        Message message = Message.obtain(null, 3, 5, 0);

See javadocs for more detail description
