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# Amplafi Opensource Tools #
Welcome to the Amplafi opensource tools project. The goal of this
project is to get a user up and running with all of the needed tools and
source to work on the opensource projects. 

Note: Comments and corrections to these instructions are welcome.

## Before you start##
* When going through the instructions, if you run into trouble, first look at the known issues section at the bottom of this document to see if your trouble has a known fix.
* If using windows, the commands will need to be issued from the msysgit Git Bash tool, which is Linux style commands, or use cygwin. If using Windows command line, slashes in full path names will need to be reversed to backwards slash: "\\"

## Prerequisites:##

  **These prerequisites can be installed in any directory you want**

* **[A Github Account:](**
   * Setup your machine to use github with GitHub's [client and instructions]( s.
   * If you don't want to use the github client, you can use plain git on the command line and [register your ssh keys with github](

* **[Git 1.7+:](**  The program git is needed for the initial download and install.
   * Check this is installed with this command, still in Git Bash on Windows.
   * [Git is also available independently of github](

git --version

   * The output should say something like: git version 1.7.
   * Use the [instructions]( if you need to set it up a way to get through firewalls 
   * To avoid constant requests for the passphrase, set up ssh-agent:
        * set up an ssh-agent using these [instructions]( For Arch Linux (which does not have ssh-agent run by default), see [these instructions]( too.
        * Now when you run the msysgit bash you should be prompted for your passphrase. If you are not prompted for your passphrase then restart windows and start the msysgit bash tool again. 

   * On Mac Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access needs to be run ( have it run always )
NOTE: I have found bizarre behavior with GitBash on windows, specifically editing a file on the GitBash command line creates a copy of the file in a different location. From the GitBash command line,
the cloned file with your edits appears to be in the directory. However, eclipse and other tools do not see the changed file. However, changes made in eclipse are (usually) visible in the GitBash command line.
Just use GitBash to run commands, not for editing. 

* **[Java JDK 1.7+:](**  This program is needed to run builds. Note this is the *JDK*, not the *JRE*, and you want to avoid the "glassfish" version".  Here is a [link for Windows Java JDK] (

   * Check that this is installed with this command, still in Git Bash on Windows.
 java -version
* The output should say something like: Java SE runtime build 1.7. * **Eclipse** We have had good success with using [Pulse]( to manage eclipse and its various plugins. Here is instruction on how to get simplest eclipse installation. * Go to the Pulse site and download a client for your plaform. * Run it, here it may ask you to register, do the registartion. * After you're logged in to the client (it is called Pulse Explorer) select the latest version of eclipse at the left top corner. * Go to Ready To Use Profiles -> Popular. Right click on the 'Eclipse for Java' profile. Select 'Add to my profiles' option. Now you should see it on the 'My profiles view'. * Click on the newly created profile. Here you can customize your eclipse. Go to the Software tab and find git plugin. Add the plugin to the profile. * Click 'Launch now' button -- after this your eclipse will be configured and launched. Alternatively, [Eclipse can be downloaded directly]( ## Creating the proper folder structure## 1. Find the place where you want the amplafi files and tools to be placed. 2. Create the directory "farreaches". This is where the clone of amplafi-tools repository will reside. ## Preparing system-specific variables## 1. Create amplafi-tools/ file. * If your Maven is cofigured to use a custom repository location (not USER_HOME/.m2/repository) add line:
## Cloning the amplafi-tools repository using git## 1. Change your working directory to the farreaches directory you just created:
 cd /path/to/farreaches 
2. Run this command, which will create the amplafi-tools subdirectory in farreaches directory:
 git clone git://
* If you get an error like: *Permission denied (publickey)*, please review your Git and ssh setup for correctness and make sure you have [registered your ssh keys with github]( ## Starting the ant script## 1. Change your working directory to the amplafi-tools directory that was just created by cloning the amplafi-tools repository. 2. Run this command.
 apache-ant-1.9.0/bin/ant opensource-one-time-setup 
3. The console window might prompt for things (but not in Windows) so pay attention and answer the questions/prompts. 4. If the build fails then * read the error and see if it is something easy like github not being setup properly, correct github setupcommand * check the known issues below * make sure you were in the correct directory before running the command 5. Rerun if needed until success:
 apache-ant-1.9.0/bin/ant opensource-one-time-setup 
6. Success will include these statements in the terminal (or Git Bash on Windows):
Total time: 41 minutes 7 seconds
## Change the origin and upstream for the project you are working on## Currently you have downloaded all of the opensource projects, but do not have write access. It is necessary at this point to modify your origin and upstream so that they point to the correct projects. The big picture is that the origin should point to your fork, and the upstream should point to the amplafi project. 1. cd into the farreaches directory 2. Delete the directory you will be working on 3. Follow these [instructions]( to fork the project you will be working on and re-download the new fork. ##Setup the Eclipse workspace## Now that you have the opensource files it is time to add them to an Eclipse workspace. 1. Open eclipse and set your working directory to the farreaches directory. 2. Go to the workbench. 3. Use the menu **File>Import...** 4. Open the General folder (with the + sign or arrow) and select **Existing Projects Into Workspace**. 5. Hit the next button. 6. On the option **Select root directory** hit the browse button. 7. Choose the **farreaches** directory(and hit okay). 8. A list of projects should appear on the screen, and all of them should be checked. 9. Now, hit **Finish**. 10. Now, eclipse will take a moment and refresh and build the projects. When it completes you should see no errors (just warnings and tasks). If you see errors, then close eclipse and: 1. Go to the command window and run this command again.
 apache-ant-1.9.0/bin/ant opensource-one-time-setup
2. Open eclipse to the farreaches workspace. 3. Select all of the projects on the left hand side and **press the F5 key** (This will force refresh). 4. Now use the menu **Projects>clean...** 5. Choose **clean all projects**. 6. If the errors still don't go away after the rebuild then ask for help. TODO: add more about what success looks like, maybe how can run the "testNG" run of a "...test..." file. TODO: add something about what to do when you want to import from a fork and Eclipse doesn't do anything when you import! ## Configure Eclipse## The following files are located in the farreaches/amplafi-opensource-parent/src/main/resources/eclipse/ directory. 1. **import the eclipse-java-codetemplates.xml** 1. Open the preferences menu. ![Open the preferences menu.][openPreferences] 2. Navigate to the Java Code Templates and select import. ![Navigate to the Java Code Templates][codeTemplates] 3. Now use the file choose to select the file and click OK. 2. **import the eclipse-java-formatting.xml** 1. Open the preferences menu. 2. Navigate to the Java Formatter and select import. ![Navigate to the Java Formatter][codeFormatter] 3. Now use the file choose to select the file and click OK. 3. **import the eclipse-java-cleanup.xml** 1. Open the preferences menu. 2. Navigate to the Java Clean Up and select import. ![Navigate to the Java Clean Up][codeCleanUp] 3. Now use the file choose to select the file and click OK. [openPreferences]: [codeTemplates]: [codeFormatter]: [codeCleanUp]: ## Install these Eclipse Plugins## 1. [Findbugs]( 1. While in Eclipse, open the marketplace. When first screen pops up choose the Eclipse marketplace. ![Opening the Eclipse Marketplace][OpenMarketplace] 2. Search for "findbugs" and click the install button. ![Finding the plugin in the marketplace][findbugsMarketplace] 3. Click next to continue installation. ![Click Next][findbugsInstall] 4. Now accept the license agreement and click finish. ![Accept the license][findbugsLicense] 5. Eclipse will now display the installing software dialog (you may click the button to run in the background). ![Eclipse installing software][installingSoftware] 6. You will be prompted if you want to continue installation, click OK. ![Eclipse Security Warning][securityWarning] 7. Finally, when the Eclipse installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart. Do so now. ![Restart Eclipse for the changes take effect.][restart] 8. Now that you have findBugs installed here is some short tips on using it. 1. First lets run findbugs on a project. Right click on the project and click the 'Find Bugs' menu option. ![Running Find Bugs on a Project][findbugsRun] 2. Now open the Find Bugs perspective if you have not already. ![Opening a perspective][openPerspective] ![Opening the findbugs perspective][findbugsOpenPerspective] 3. Now that you have this perspective there is a lot of information that can be seen about the possible bugs in the code. ![General Perspective of findbugs][findbugsGeneral] 2. [Testng]( 1. Install testng in much the same way as findbugs, only search for testng. ![Installing testng from the marketplace][testngInstall] [OpenMarketplace]: [installingSoftware]: [securityWarning]: [restart]: [openPerspective]: [findbugsMarketplace]: [findbugsInstall]: [findbugsLicense]: [findbugsRun]: [finbugsOpenPerspective]: [findbugsGeneral]: [testngInstall]: ## Making A Pull Request## When you are satisfied with your changes you will have to send a pull request to add them to the upstream repository. Please follow these [instructions]( ## Known Issues## * ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'compass' (>= 0) in any repository * Try: `./bin/jruby gem install compass --install-dir /amplafi-tools/ruby/gems/` * JAVA_HOME has not been set - build failure * This environment variable should be setup when installing the JDK. Set this environment variable to point to the installation directory for the Java Development Kit. * ant git-pull-all-opensource (git clone or pull) just hangs * This is known to happen on Windows, the problem is that the [ant exec task]( does not support user interaction. This behavior is expressed on windows as the command just sitting there. * To fix this git must not require user interaction: * Make sure that the github server is in the known_hosts file (running a ssh should prompt you to add a known host if it is not already added). * Use these [instructions]( to add an ssh-agent to the msysgit Git Bash. * Reopen the msysgit bash utility. If you are not prompted for your passphrase then restart windows. If you are prompted for your passphrase then enter your passphrase and continue with running the ant command. * Note: it was thought that the absence of the home-dir/.gitconfig file caused this issue, if the above doesn't fix the problem then check that this file exists. * home-dir/.gitconfig file has not yet been created. Check that the file is there. If it is not run the following command to create it.
 git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
This command is what initially creates the .gitconfig file. * ant opensource-one-time-setup fails with error Execute failed: Cannot run program "git.cmd" : CreateProcess error =2, The system cannot find the file specified at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start( ... * To fix this problem set the correct path for git-exec in the file. * maven complains about the ANDROID_HOME environment variable not being set while building the amplafi-android project. * If you need the amplafi-android project to build, please visit [Installing Android SDK]( for information on how to install the SDK. * Once the SDK is installed add the ANDRIOD_HOME environment variable to point to the SDK. Notes on progress: * It would be nice if the workspace could be built with the formatters in place and all the user would have to do is direct eclipse to the workspace folder and viola projects added, formatters imported, and no eclipse configuration for the user. * It would also be nice if we could download some default plugins and drop them into eclipse.
