资源说明:Lantern server side code.
# Lantern Controller This is the software for globally controlling the Lantern network. ## Development To run the development server from the command-line, you will need Maven 3.1.0 or higher. Then, just run `mvn appengine:devserver`. To bring this project and its submodules into Eclipse, just do the following: 1. git clone --recursive git@github.com:getlantern/lantern-controller.git If you have already checked out lantern-controller but did not pass '--recursive', you can clone its submodules with `git submodule update --init`. 1. Open Eclipse 1. File->Import...->Existing Projects into Workspace 1. Choose the lantern-controller directory ## Deployment To deploy a new version, - clone the too-many-secrets repo alongside this one, and - run `./deploy.py [[ [ ]]]`. You'll be prompted for any arguments you don't provide in the command line. ## Admin Pages Lantern Controller makes the following admin pages available for various management tasks: - `https:// .appspot.com/admin/index.jsp` - misc. global state - `https:// .appspot.com/admin/invites.html` - approve pending invites - `https:// .appspot.com/admin/latest.html` - set latest lantern version ### CSRF Protection If you do not yet have a CSRF protection cookie for the domain the admin pages are served on, visit the /admin/invites.html page, which should trigger an ajax GET and result in your getting a CSRF cookie (inspect document.cookies to verify). Once you have the CSRF cookie, you will be able to use other admin pages like /admin/latest.html from that point forward. ## Setting up a Test Lantern Controller 1. Set up a appengine instance 2. Add an entry with your controller id to [versions](versions) 3. In `Dao.java`, flip the boolean guard in `createInitialUser`. 4. Open `org.lantern.RemoteApi.java` and edit it to call dao.createInitialUser() - this will set up a seed user with which you can run Lantern 5. Open `org.lantern.MaintenanceTask.java` and edit the doPost to call `new Dao().createInitialUser()` 6. Launch up a cloudmaster using launch_cloudmaster.py per the instructions [here](https://github.com/getlantern/lantern_aws) 7. Deploy your app using `deploy.py` (make sure to specify the right instance name). 8. Go to /admin/index.jsp of your app in a browser and run your maintenance task, specifying the email address for your initial user 9. Revert `Dao.java` 10. Revert `RemoteApi.java` 11. Visit `https:// .appspot.com/admin/invites.html` (this is just to get a CSRF cookie, as in the section **CSRF Protection** above.) 12. Visit `https:// .appspot.com/admin/latest.html` and enter details for the latest version that this controller knows about. ## i18n Translated strings are fetched from json files in the "locale" directory. To add or change a translated string, update the corresponding mapping in the source file "locale/en_US.json", and add or update any references to it as needed. ### Transifex All translatable content for Lantern has been uploaded to [the Lantern Transifex project](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/lantern/) to help manage translations. Translatable strings from this code have been uploaded to the [controller resource](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/lantern/resource/email/) therein. Transifex has been set up to automatically pull updates to that resource from [its GitHub url](https://raw.github.com/getlantern/lantern-controller/master/locale/en_US.json) (see http://support.transifex.com/customer/portal/articles/1166968-updating-your-source-files-automatically for more information). After translators add translations of these strings to the Transifex project, the [Transifex client](http://support.transifex.com/customer/portal/articles/960804-overview) can be used to pull them. See http://support.transifex.com/customer/portal/articles/996157-getting-translations for more. ## Generating email templates The emails the controller sends out are assembled from a template containing the html (e.g. [src/main/resources/org/lantern/email/invite-notification.tmpl](https://github.com/getlantern/lantern-controller/tree/master/src/main/resources/org/lantern/email/invite-notification.tmpl)), a sass stylesheet containing the styles ( [src/main/resources/org/lantern/email/style.sass](https://github.com/getlantern/lantern-controller/tree/master/src/main/resources/org/lantern/email/style.sass)), and the json files containing the translated strings (e.g. [locale/en_US.json](https://github.com/getlantern/lantern-controller/tree/master/locale/en_US.json)). These sources are combined into a final html file suitable to be emailed, i.e. with all translations and css rules inlined so that they will be displayed properly by email clients (e.g. [src/main/resources/org/lantern/email/invite-notification.html](https://github.com/getlantern/lantern-controller/tree/master/src/main/resources/org/lantern/email/invite-notification.html)). This final html is then passed to [Mandrill](https://mandrillapp.com) for delivery, along with any [merge variables](http://help.mandrill.com/entries/21678522-How-do-I-use-merge-tags-to-add-dynamic-content-) to interpolate into it. Any time the source content of these emails changes (e.g. a language tweak to a string in the json, a style tweak to the sass, etc.), run `./generate_emails.py` to regenerate the final html. Run the script from a Python 2.7 environment with the following packages installed: - [Jinja2 2.7.1](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Jinja2/2.7.1) - [premailer 1.2.3](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/premailer/1.2.3) The recommended way of doing this is to create a [virtualenv](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv), cd into it and source its activate script, and then run `pip install` commands for the required packages. Also make sure you have [compass](http://compass-style.org/) 0.12.2 installed, which is required to compile the sass. You can run `gem install compass --version '= 0.12.2'` to install it (sudo as necessary). If the sass hasn't changed since the last time it was compiled, you can run `./generate_emails.py nosass` to skip the compass compilation step. Any time a **new** translation file is pulled from Transifex (see the [Transifex](#transifex) section above), a corresponding `Lang` instance should be added to the `LANGS` list in generate_emails.py. For instance, if "tx pull" pulls a new file "locale/es_ES.json", add an entry to `LANGS` like `Lang('es_ES', 'Español', 'ltr')`. The next time you run `./generate_emails.py`, a new section will be added to the generated emails for the Spanish translation.