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资源说明:An MAV (Micro Air Vehicle) design and testing software written in Java
This is a project I worked on in the Aerospace Department, IISc Bangalore during summer of 2011. Test

It involves creating a GUI (including fetching data from a databse using JDBS) in Java using the Eclipse IDE for a flapping wing MAV (Micro Air-Vehicle) design and testing software.

This project is the initial phase of a national initiative by the Govt. of India. For more details, visit

Directions for running source code

Make sure the project folder (here it is mavdts) is copied to the eclipse workspace folder. I use Ubuntu so the workspace folder for me was home/eclipse-workspace. It should be pretty same for Mac and Windows as well. So, after doing this, there will be a folder with the path home/eclipse-workspace/mavdts.

Then, open the eclipse IDE. If you are using Linux, you can do it from terminal by going to the eclipse folder in your system (For me, it was home/eclipse) and typing ./eclipse -vm ./jdk1.6.0_23/bin/java where ./jdk1.6.0_23/bin/java specified the path where Java could be found. Then, once the Eclipse IDE opens, go to File>Import. In that, General>Existing Projects into Workspace. Then you browse for your project directory which is mavdts in the workspace folder. It's now successfully imported. 

To connect to database, make sure you have mySQL installed in your computer. 

I have included the mysql connector jar required in the mavdts_gui folder which should be downloaded (if you don't already have them) into the folder preferrably where java is located in your computer. The java 3d jars and other dependencies have to be downloaded online.

Add the external JARs (mysql-connector-java-5.1.16-bin.jar for the database connection, j3dcore.jar, j3dutils.jar and vecmath.jar for viewing the 3d graphics window) to the project. This can be done by going to Project>Properties>Java Build Path>Libraries>Add external JARs. Browse for the above mentioned JARs which should be copied to where java is located in your computer.

The database settings have to be changed (the username and password). My username was "root" and password was "".

Also, ensure the 3 text files are also in the home/eclipse-workspace/mavdts directory.

InputConsole package is the one where the MainWindow is the class which needs to be run.

So, open InputConsole> Then go to Run>Run As>Java Application.
